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Nestle India Maggi Noodles Ban Case Study Solution


The project titled “A case study of India’s favorite’s instant noodles-MAGGI, a product of Nestle India Pvt. Ltd.” deals with the study of the case of MAGGI ban, which happened in 2014. The project report mainly deals with the impact of ban on NESTLE’s financial results for the year 2014 and 2015. Also it studies the marketing and promotional strategies that are adopted by NESTLE India Limited post ban. The long term success of any company can be effectively measured in terms of brand value it creates in the market place, but more than that it is the brand image in the consumer’s heart which matters the most. The unique selling proposition of a particular product has to be the impact on environmental, social and human health criteria.

Nestle India Maggi Noodles Ban Case Study SolutionToday, organizations are operating not only by fulfilling the government regulations, but arc partnering for the sustainability and responding to the increased concerns from the consumers and society about human health impact of the products, operations and resources depletion. The company that moves beyond the self-interest and operate selflessly for the betterment of all sectors it affects can actually secure self-interested achievements in the end. Food products industries have to be even more responsive as intake of bad quality product can cause irremediable harm to the health of the consumer and sometimes become the cause of death too. The Nestle India controversy these days have become an eye opener for many on one hand it shows that we Indians easily believe on what is said and not on what the reality is, it is very easy to be fool innocent consumers and make millions and billions of money. Many literate consumers also do not bother to read the ingredients except the expiry date or price on the pack which is their prime concern and it results because of the blind-folded faith in the brand. Even for the past more than 25 years our government, its officials were least bothered about the Indian masses. Till today the things have turned against Nestle India, which has landed the company to its dismal fate, the Indian government has filed case on the company to pay damages, the first case in India of this kind on the other hand company has firm opinion that the product is safe but the future of Maggi’s return is unpredictable.

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Objectives of The Study:

  • To examine the root cause of Maggi row.
  • To assess the impact of Maggi row in India.
  • To understand the marketing and promotional strategies adopted by NESTLE India Limited post ban.
Limitation of The Study
  • Time, being the major constraint while undertaking the research has limited it to an extent.
  • Availability of resources like funds, appropriate data for analysis is another limitation of the study.

Research Methodology:

Research comprises “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained. Its Aim is to give the work plan of research. Data collection would basically mean systematic collection of data from various sources for undertaking a research. Data is the basic inputs for taking any decisions.

Methods of Data Collection:

  1. Primary data: Primary data means fresh data which is collected for the first time with a stated purpose. It could be collected through surveys, observations, interviews etc.
  2. Secondary data: data which is gathered and analyzed by someone else and for an objective other than the current objective is secondary data. It involves less cost, time and efforts. This project is based on data collected from secondary sources such as newspapers, internet, magazines, books etc.

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