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Micron Technology Corporate Social Responsibility

Micron Technology Company – Ethics, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability

Micron Technology is the leader in the semiconductor industry; they have various projects on the sustainability of the environment, they feel prevention of the environment as their social responsibility.

Micron Technology is believe to make the world most advance memory and semi-conductor technology, this is theMicron Technology Corporate Social Responsibility reason they are participating towards cooperate responsibility and sustainability of the environment. They want to do improvements in the technology and make the existing design, they are brining innovations or advance new ideas to the broader market (Micron, 2016).

Environmental Stewardship

Micron technology is working on the prevention of the pollution as pollution is harming the health of the people; they are very concerned about, air water and land resources. Micron is taking steps to reduce the burden on air; they want to secure the future. They are committed towards the long-term environmental performance and improvement. Micron want to see nation healthy, this is the reason they are dedicated towards protecting their employees health, safety and security, they are continuously working to support their commitments. At workplace, they are also maintaining their environment and giving various benefits to their workers like, if someone faces illness or injury, company provide the support. They are working on the planning and production to safe the environment,  Their managers and supervisor are responsible for the management that employees should be given safe, protected and complaint work areas, Micron’s provide the safeguards at their workplace, communities and the environment.

Micron in the Community

In community, Micron Technology is participating; their mission is to develop effective programs. They have the Micron Technology Foundation; from which they are promoting the science, math, engineering education, they are participating in these activities to give better environment to their workers and other related bodies, consequently technology become more advance and there will be advantages, they are offering workshops, giving grants, planning activities and helping students in many other ways. They believe that through their support, researchers and student will be more passionate and can make things possible. If there will be continuous researchers then there are possibilities that future generations may be of engineers and scientists (Micron, 2016).

They believe that education can inspire all students and from there support the nation and world can get benefits, if students are interested in their work then more technology will take place, that could be favorable for them also. Micron is participating with the universities and industries to get the log-term benefits, they consider that grants will provide opportunities to the students and strengthen their experiences to work hard; they are encouraging young people to explore the, high-tech career for the future. Micron is enriching the community; Micron knows that, education can make the community strong, and innovations will take place, there is need to understand the complex needs of the community. Micron Foundation has a broad portfolio to support the community.

Micron Ethics

Micron is conducting its business with following ethics, they have integrity and they are strict towards laws. They have the good business sense, and know how to do things, they are concerned about their customers, and they want to provide best services to the customers. They have earned the trust of their suppliers, customers, co-workers, shareholders etc. They are committed to the compliance and ethics; in every business decision, they are personally responsible in case of any misconduct. Micron commitment to integrity always comes first, they have reputation in the market, this is the reason, the quality of their products are best. Micron is proud of ensuring the spirit of code and working environment (Micron, 2016).

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  • Micron. (2016). Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Retrieved April 6, 2016, from https://www.micron.com/about/our-commitment/governance/ethics
  • Micron. (2016). Corporate Profile. Retrieved April 6, 2016, from https://www.micron.com/about/our-company

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