Home > Subjects > Agriculture Sciences > Measurement of Chlorophyll Contents in Broccoli using Spectrophotometer

Measurement of Chlorophyll Contents in Broccoli using Spectrophotometer


I am gratified to The Great Allah Almighty; “The Most Merciful and Beneficent who empowered me learn and complete the task successfully”. And I pay tribute to The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), they are life time guiding torch for me.

I pay my gratitude to respected Director Professor Institute of Agricultural Sciences, for commanding such a prestigious institute and giving me the opportunities for research, education as well as extracurricular activities.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my supervisors who provided me possibility to complete this research project. They guided me throughout my laboratory work and their practical advices were helpful for my future objectives.

Lastly I must pay my complements to beloved parents and friends for their prayers, moral and financial support during all my bachelor study and inspiring me at each level of my life.

Table of Contents

 Chapter 1:

  1. Introduction to Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)
  2. Objectives of Institute
  3. Food and Biotechnology Research Center
  4. Main groups of the center
  5. Achievements of Institute

Chapter 2:

  1. Introduction to spectrophotometer
  2. History and background
  3. Review of literature

Chapter 3:

  1. Introduction to Experimentation
  2. Material and methods
  3. Experiment 1:

Degradation Analysis of Chlorophyll with respect to time

  1. Experiment 2:

Screening of 6 varieties of Broccoli

  1. Experiment 3:

Effect of Pathogenic Fungi Alternaria Sp.& Fusarium Sp. on Broccoli

  1. Observations of experiments.

Chapter 4:


Chapter 5:

Literature Cited

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