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Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Student name:                        S.S.

Present Date:                         24 October, 2016

Date Of Birth:                        X

Grade:                                    –

Age:                                        14 Years

Disability/Disorder:       Intellectual Disbaility (Moderate)

Participants Involved :    Mother

Present Level of Performance

The patient in unable to recognize the colors and does not know its names. She is also unable to brush her teeth even upon verbal instructions properly. Her self-help skills regarding her hygiene are poor. Whereas, her matching skills also lack behind.


The patient displayed all the pre-requisites of learning such as compliance, attention etc. This helped in moving and formulating the IEP. Furthermore, she was willing to participate in the sessions and displayed interest in the activities being conducted during the session. The client displayed and knew some of the basic concepts i.e. what things were for what purpose.


            The patient’s grip of the hand was weak due to which she was unable to perform various activities. She displayed lesser social reactions and got easily tired during the session. She also lacked basic cognitive skills.

Task Analysis

Area: Cognitive

Who will do it: S.S.

Will do what: Matches one on one objects (3 or more objects)

Under what conditions: Physical prompts, Verbal prompts and positive reinforcement

To what degree of success: 100%


  1. S. will match plates with plates with physical and verbal prompts 5 out of 10 trials
  2. S. will match plates with plates with physical and verbal prompts 10 out of 10 trials
  3. S. will match plates with plates with verbal prompts 3 out of 10 trials
  4. S. will match plates with plates with verbal prompts 5 out of 10 trials
  5. S. will match plates with plates with verbal prompts 7 out of 10 trials
  6. S. will match plates with plates with verbal prompts 9 out of 10 trials
  7. S. will stack plates on her own 3 out of 10 trials
  8. S. will stack plates on her own 5 out of 10 trials
  9. S. will stack plates on her own 7 out of 10 trials
  10. S. will stack plates on her own 9 out of 10 trials

Area: Self-Help

Who will do it: S.S.

Will do what: Brushes teeth on her own

Under what conditions: Physical prompts, Verbal prompts, Chaining and positive reinforcement

To what degree of success: 100%

  1. S. will be able to take brush and wash it with verbal, physical prompting 5 out of 10 trials.
  2. S. will be able to take brush and wash it with verbal, physical prompting 10 out of 10 trials.
  3. S. will be able to take brush and wash it with verbal prompting 5 out of 10 trials
  4. S. will be able to take brush and wash it with verbal prompting 7 out of 10 trials
  5. S. will be able to take brush and wash it with verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials
  6. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with both physical and verbal prompting 5 out of 10 trials
  7. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with both physical and verbal prompting 7 out of 10 trials
  8. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with both physical and verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials
  9. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with verbal prompting 5 out of 10 trials
  10. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with verbal prompting 7 out of 10 trials
  11. S. will be able to put tooth paste on brush with verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials
  12. S. will be able to brush her teeth via modeling, physical and verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials.
  13. S. will be able to brush her teeth via modeling and verbal prompting 5 out of 10 trials
  14. S. will be able to brush her teeth via modeling and verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials
  15. S. will be able to brush her teeth via verbal prompting 10 out of 10 trials
  16. S. will be able to brush her teeth on her own 10 out of 10 trials

Area: Language

Who will do it: S.S.

Will do what: Tells how common objects are used (Iron, soap, and Plate)

Under what conditions: Picture prompts, Verbal prompts, Fading within prompts and positive reinforcement

To what degree of success: 80%

  1. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 100% of the time with picture and verbal prompting.
  2. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 75% of the time with verbal prompting
  3. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 100% of the time with verbal prompting
  4. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 25% of the time without any aid.
  5. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 50% of the time without any aid.
  6. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 75% of the time without any aid.
  7. S. will be able to tell the use of the common objects 80% of the time without any aid.

Area: Motor

Who will do it: S.S.

Will do what: Builds tower of 5-6 blocks (Iron, soap, and Plate)

Under what conditions: Physical prompts, Verbal prompts, Fading within prompts and positive reinforcement

To what degree of success: 80%

  1. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 100 % of the time with physical and verbal prompts.
  2. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 50 % of the time with verbal prompts.
  3. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 75 % of the time with verbal prompts.
  4. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 100 % of the time with verbal prompts.
  5. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 50 % of the time without physical or verbal prompts.
  6. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 25 % of the time without physical or verbal prompts.
  7. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 50 % of the time without physical or verbal prompts.
  8. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 75 % of the time without physical or verbal prompts.
  9. S. will be able to builds towers of 6 blocks 80 % of the time without physical or verbal prompts.

Area: Socialization

Who will do it: S.S.

Will do what: Greets familiar adults without reminder

Under what conditions: Gestural prompts, Verbal prompts, Fading within prompts and positive reinforcement

To what degree of success: 100%

  1. S. will greet familiar adults with verbal and gestural prompts 100% of the time.
  2. S. will greet familiar adults with gestural prompts 50% of the time.
  3. S. will greet familiar adults with gestural prompts 75% of the time.
  4. S. will greet familiar adults with gestural prompts 100% of the time.
  5. S. will greet familiar adults without reminder 25% of the time.
  6. S. will greet familiar adults without reminder 50% of the time.
  7. S. will greet familiar adults without reminder 75% of the time.
  8. S. will greet familiar adults without reminder 100% of the time.

Post Assessment


Problematic Behaviors of the Patient and Corresponding Subjective Ratings of the Mother and Therapist.

Symptoms Subjective Ratings by the mother (pre-treatment) Subjective Ratings by the mother (post-treatment)
Unable to grasp objects of lift weights with her right hand 09 05
Deficits in cognitive Skills 09 04
Deficits in Self-Help skills such as cleaning, washing, bathing etc. 09


Deficits in taking care of self during periods 09 07
Problematic behaviors (taking clothes out and washing dishes) 08 04

Graphical Representation of the comparison between scores of pre and post treatment

Individual's education plan

Session Summary

Session 1

  • Clinical Interview of the mother
  • Rapport Building
  • Reinforcement Identification

Session 2

  • Administration of Portage Guide for Early Education
  • Rapport Building
  • History Taking
  • Subjective Rating of the symptoms
  • Finalizing the Diagnosis

Session 3

  • Agenda Setting
  • Hand and finger exercise (Coloring with broken crayons and touching the tips of the finger)
  • Implementation of Individualized educational plan (IEP) i.e. cognitive skills
  • IEP task given as homework
  • Baseline chart for problematic behavior given as homework
  • Feedback

Session 4-5

  • Agenda Setting
  • Implementation of IEP plan
  • Hand and finger exercise continued
  • Extinction
  • Extinction burst
  • Differential reinforcement
  • Feedback by the mother

Session 6-7

  • Continuation of IEP (self-help skill)
  • Feedback by the mother
  • Continuation of extinction, and differential reinforcement

Session 8

  • Agenda Setting
  • Stop and monitor exercise
  • Continuation of Cognitive Skill
  • Continuation of IEP (Self-Help Skill)
  • Guidelines to mother about Language Skill
  • Feedback was given

Session 9-10

  • Agenda Setting
  • Continuation of IEP (Self-Help Skill)
  • Guidelines to mother about Language Skill
  • Guidelines for Socialization Skill
  • Feedback was given

Session 11-12

  • Agenda Setting
  • Continuation of IEP (Self-Help Skill)
  • Guidelines to mother about Language Skill
  • Guidelines for Socialization Skill
  • Implementation of Motor Skills
  • Identification of Color (i.e. Red) through prompting and fading
  • Feedback was given
  • Termination of the therapy

Session 13

  • Identification of Colors (i.e. Red and Blue) through prompting and fading
  • Post Assessment on the subjective ratings of the symptoms
  • Termination of the therapy

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