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Importance of Team Work in an Organization Essay


The most important thing is to define the word team work. Team work means a complete process in which group of people works collectively and collaboratively to get the required goal. Normally, team work is consider important in every business as it is important to work together with all colleagues, that they give their best performance in all type of circumstances. So we can say that teamwork express the cooperation of people by utilizing the skills of every individual person and demand more developing feedback by left all the issue and problems between the individual persons. So their purpose is to work for achieving the target successfully. Basically the actual team purpose is only to get maximum benefits from the task. This is focus on unity sense related to common interest and responsibilities of individuals which develop among the group of people related to any specific enterprise or cause. Team work and team now become an important part of our working life. Teamwork is helpful in gathering or collecting the actual results which is the original requirement of any task. Team work means to synergistic ways of working among different team members. Team work maximizes the strength of all members for getting best related to each member according to its strength. (the-happy-manager.com, 2007 – 2018)


Effective team have ability to handle more than one complex tasks or projects with high efficiency, cooperate with all team members and improve the communication through open discussion facility, provide opportunities of personal growth, work as mechanism for the staff and improve the output by the strength of each team member leverage. At different work places, teamwork show creativity and innovation through the usage of distinct and unique ideas of all members in effective team work, individual unique strength and attributes by applying leverage, bring the growth and performance of company at highly successful level by boosting them. (Zimmer, 2018)

Employers consider the team work as ability to work with other employee fellows with empathy in every type of conditions as team work require a sense of maturity with the skills for thinking above than individual. It involve the help and support of all team members to achieve a common target more effectively and quickly. So you must have leadership skills to work any type of teamwork in any scenario. Team work skills give benefits at every place for effective work and harmonious office environment. Effective team can easily attract the clients, seal deals and complete project. Sometimes, the reputation of company also depends on the working ability of team. We have different type of skills related to team here for discuss, five different type of skills are; problem solving skill, communication skill, conflict management skills, listening and feedback skills and supporting skills. In communication skills, all members must be able to communicate by using body language and verbally at intellectual and emotional level according to professional level. Good communication skilled persons can listen to other very carefully, try to understand their feeling or body language, can explain their ideas, make effort to explain their feelings, avoid creating tension, mostly reflect on interactions and events and ask question according to their clarification. Listen and feedback skilled persons give proper feed back in all situations between their fellow employees. They listen attentively, taking interest in the problems of others and clarify the ideas of other team members. Feedback must be given in written form with different exposure and scenario of time. Conflict must be faced at any stage between team members but the most important thing is how to handle this conflict without any issue, this is the main skill required in every team members. All members of team have to show support in different ways. In this all members work as collaborators instead of competitors. Support includes respect of each other in the team. Problem solving skill moves to high level of eperieand wisdom. In all type of issues, their main concern is to get excellent results in given situations and achieve positive results. This skill is very much important as all employees make solutions in all different and difficult scenarios for the betterment of team. (Wikijob.co.uk, 2007-2018)

The most popular myth about the team work by HR Bible is that the skills of team members is consider more important as compare to energy, interest related to tasks. One more important myth is that individually, all members are not responsible for the failure or success of any task belongs to their team. In real, individual work as small units in a team and personal abilities of all members affect the results of team. Team performance enhance when all employees work collectively for a single target. In any work place, team work effect the overall performance of business. Work Efficiency: team work enable the individuals to complete the task more efficiently and faster. Work load also reduce by cooperating together by sharing their ideas and responsibilities. It minimizes the work pressure. Every employee work in a team according to its specialization. Employee level of interest is also belonging to project, which influence the speed of output and efficiency in positive manner. Learning Opportunities: it provide a learning opportunity to all new team members’ work with highly experienced and skilled members. Members have different skills and abilities in a team. Together working gives them a chance to learn also those skills which are not aware off for him. Team work allows all members to handle the ideas of each other and find out a compromise solution that help in successful completion of any task. Improved Employee relation: in any organization, team work is important as it provide an opportunity to all employees to work with each other to improve their relationship. Worker feels valued on the successful completion of tasks in the organization. In this situation, all team members more respect each other and improve the relationship between them which cause cohesion between members and increasing trust factors also among them. Increased Accountability: team work improve the members‘s accountability. All members in a team never let down each other instead they respect each other  and perform their best to get successful results. In a team, the working pressure is also distributed among all members and they work with more comfort zone and productivity. (Kelly, 2017)

Tuck man Development model: in 1965, the tuck man model introduce by Bruce Tuck man as development sequence in small groups. He used this model for making high performance of team members in a team. This model includes five stages: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. In the stage of forming, different team members have different moods, like positive, polite, and anxious or may be excited. So leader of team have to manage the mental ability of all team members so they are happily willing to work with each other. In storming stage, conflict arise between different members, as they work with different pattern or style of their style may cause problem for others so proper methodology must be applicable for stop the storming issue among the team members. In norming stage, the members of team going to sort out their issues and differences with proper ways. In performing stage, the team reach to final destination, as they acquired their targeted goals and objectives and over all structure and process are very much supportive in this regard. In adjourning stage, after completing the specific task, all the members in a team are going to separate from the team as they work together for a specific time period. (mindtools.com, 2018)

Conclusion and Recommendation:

At the end of this discussion, we conclude that team work is very much important in every organization and all members of team are having great importance. They work each other for getting a common target and successfully achieving their single goal. Most things is that they work with each other by removing all problems and conflicts between them, respect each other, support their skills and abilities and promote all the skills of others and try to learn more from the skills of other members as collectively they shoe excellent results instead of individual. Team work is very important part of every organization because they enhance the working ability of all employees also, it promotes all members to work with each other and get maximum benefit from the skills and experiences of each other.

    Available at: https://careertrend.com/importance-teamwork-organizations-12033.html
  • mindtools.com, 2018. Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. [Online]
    Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_86.htm
  • the-happy-manager.com, 2007 – 2018. Why is Teamwork Important?. [Online]
    Available at: https://the-happy-manager.com/articles/why-is-teamwork-important/
  • Wikijob.co.uk, 2007-2018. Teamwork. [Online]
    Available at: https://www.wikijob.co.uk/content/interview-advice/competencies/teamwork
  • Zimmer, T., 2018. Importance of Teamwork at Work. [Online]
    Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-teamwork-work-11196.html

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