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Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Human Resource Management


What is Recruitment

Recruitment is that branch of business or that term of businesses within an organization that selects and hires a true and honest person with the required skills, knowledge and capabilities that an organization required from the employers and for the accomplishments of targets and goals. An organization runs smoothly and with success on the basis of their employees. More the employees efficient more will be the organization gain success and its growth rapidly in the business market. The recruitment process should be done keenly and with proper rules and regulations followed by the recruiter in HR department of an organization. It is the most important and essential process or department of an organization that must be considered seriously and observed its activities very keenly as well. The employee gets hired by recruitment process is the responsibility of the recruiter or HR department of that organization.

Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Human Resource Management

What is Selection

Because they will go to select it after proper processing and proper steps of selection. The selection process includes the essential steps and methodologies that are essential and compulsory for the actual person to be select for the organization’s HR department. HR department is that department of an organization which deals with employees as well as higher authorities of that organization. HR meets the demand of both the people group working in that organization. The responsibility of hiring the people is very important and difficult as well. The first recruiter advertises the number of vacancies in its organization with tiles of the jobs for which employees needed. Next when people responses towards their advertisement they will call the people who came to their criteria they needed. Recruiter fixes a day for the interviews of that people on that day he/she conducts their interviews and after satisfied interviews, a person is selected for the job in that organization. (ahri.com.au)

Importance of Recruitment and Selection

The process of recruitment and selection is very much important and must be based on the proper working as well for its success. The best recruitment process enhances the organizations improvement and operating facilities because better will be the employees better will be the reputation of the company according to the international standard of markets in business. The main source of the recruitment process is to hire the best talent, best person, best mind for the best and efficient working in an organization. Recruitment involves the process of proper searching of the employees for the organization. There are many methods includes the proper searching methods in term of searching for new employees for the organizations. The process of searching must be good enough that many of the deserving candidates will approach your advertisement or job offer at a glance.

Most of the time if proper working on the searching process cannot be performed when it did not waste your time as well plus you will lose a better and efficient person for that post also because of poor advertisement of that post. The basic and main purpose of this process is to select the best person for the proper working in that organization. An organization sometimes faces a situation in which they have to cop up with the toughest situations and most complicated tasks to achieve in specified limited time. In that situations, such candidates are needed which can survive in those conditions with better efficiency of working in the organization. The selection process includes interviews sections and also the testing of some employees to check their abilities and qualification in terms of using any sensitive software’s in the organization depends on the complexity of work. The better will be your selection process the better will be your organization’s working efficiency as compared to other organization’s employees. (simplehrguide.com)


The main goal of this process is to select the best candidate for the post of job you are offering. This process is very much important for every organization because it creates the best and comfortable atmosphere in the organization. It is important to list out the skills and capabilities of that candidate in order to utilize it best in the organization working atmosphere.

You must do screening before selecting a candidate for an interview. In the interview, you must ask such questions from the candidates that can be according to the degree they mentioned in the C.V most of the time candidates chested with writing wrong information in their c.v just to get a job. The real selection is to check the real skills of any person who came for the interview. You must check the availability of the selected candidate on time you offered them in the office or the days he/she is eligible to come or not.

After considering all these points select a candidate and hire him/her for your organization. All the procedure which you follow to fulfil the task of selection of candidate must be efficient and so powerful that they give you best and perfect results. All the proper steps when you will follow they will definitely give the best outcome in the form of the best candidate. The concluding remarks are very simple that if the HR of any organization is strong enough to meet the best needs they have then it is the real success of that organization. Although some up-downs are part of every organization so it’s not a big deal and it cannot be considered too much tense situation also do not tense others as well to cop up with that situation anytime. (Johnston)

  • ahri.com.au. Recruitment And Selection. 2018. <https://www.ahri.com.au/assist/recruitment-and-selection>.
  • Johnston, Kevin. Importance of Effective Recruitment & Selection. n.d. <https://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-effective-recruitment-selection-55782.html>.
  • simplehrguide.com. Recruitment and Selection. n.d. <https://www.simplehrguide.com/recruitment-and-selection.html>.

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