Planning in an organization have a planning team that focus on the future management, there are the steps for the management objectives and strategies. thus, in the organization the management team take steps and the vision is created by the decision makers so that there should be the final management plan.
Planning in an organization has the importance in the organization because there could be the focus on the future as the future factors could be known and company could become aware of the internal and external factors of the company.
The process includes the planning implementation, monitoring and evaluation so that there could be effectiveness of the management activities and the plans could be focused to bring the changes.
The types of management planning include the detailed plan, short-term and long-term corporate strategies, so that the effectiveness could be created in the process in order to meet its overall objectives.
Types Of Plans In Organizations
In organization there could be the various establish goals example, there are the need to identify resources, establish the goal-related tasks and to prioritize goals and tasks in order to create good plans.
Contingency Factors
Examples of contingency factors are situational contingency factors, operational contingency factors, environmental contingency factors etc.
The approaches of planning are reactive, inactive, preactive, and proactive.
Managers Need To Plan
The mangers need to plan because they need to create effective plans and assignments from the evaluation methods so that there could be benefits in various aspects.
Ideal Types Of Organizational Structure
Work Specialization
Work specialization is the process known in which there is the division of labor, it divides the individual tasks example the structure includes the work specialization, centralization and decentralization, departmentalization chain of command, span of control and formalization.
Departmentalization is known as the various aspect of organizational design, there could be the subdivision of functions, the other process and functions of business, however, different units or department have own responsibilities.
Authority And Responsibility
Authority is the right, which the executive or a manager has to focus on the organizational objectives; however, the authority defines the duty assigned to a position. Moreover, the responsibility is known as the particular tasks that are assigned to the subordinates.
Span Of Control
Span of control, is the term, which indentifies the number of subordinates in the business management operations, however, it mostly include the human resource management.
Centralization is the process of activities in an organization; there is the planning and decision-making, however, the particular location or group has the authority.
Decentralization is the process of activities in an organization; there is the planning and decision-making, however, the management of the company has the authority.
The formalization is the process in organization’s policies, where there identification of job descriptions, other procedures and the rules and regulations etc.