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Importance of HRM in Organization Questionnaire

Importance of HRM in Organization

This post contains survey questions about Importance of HRM in Organization and following are the questions below;

Questionnaire about Importance of HRM in Organization


  1. What is the importance of HRM in your organization?
  2. As a HR manager what task you perform in organization?
  3. What are the physical, financial, human and organizational resources in your organization?
  4. What is the role of HRM in your organization?
  5. How you achieve your organization goal?
  6. As a HR manager what is your role in organization?
  7. As a HR manager what challenges you face in your organization?
  8. Do you use International HRM functions?

Human Resource Planning

  1. How you make HR strategies and plans for organization?
  2. What is the HR planning process in your organization?
  3. Tell us Strategic human resource planning in your organization?
  4. Sample of job specification and description of your organization?
  5. De jobbing method in your organization.
  6. How you scan environment of the organization in your company?
  7. Do you use HRIS in your organization?
  8. How you internally analyses the need of human resource?
  9. How you externally analyses the need of human resources in your organization?
  10. On which basis you make Job analysis sheet in the company?
  11. Do you use forecasting in organization?

Training and development

  1. What is the scope of training and development in your organization?
  2. Tell us about the induction and integration process or steps in your organization? Also its objective.
  3. Training and organization development is how much important for your organization?
  4. How you select the trainer for provide training?
  5. How you design training in our organization?
  6. By which process you provide Training? Which method you use in training.
  7. How you evaluate the outcome of the training in organization?
  8. How much employee’s individual career development important for your organization?

Recruitment and selection

  1. Recruitment process of your organization?
  2. What is the internal recruitment process in your organization?
  3. External sources of recruitment in your organization?
  4. On which basis you evaluate recruitment?
  5. Selection process of your organization?
  6. What are the selection criteria for the job in your organization?
  7. Which type of interview you use in selection? E.g. Structure or unstructured
  8. Interview evaluation form.

Performance management

  1. Quality performance how much important for the organization?
  2. How and who measure the performance within the organization?
  3. Do you think motivation effect the performance of the employees?
  4. What type of environment you provide to their employees?
  5. By Which way you manage the performance within the organization?
  6. Do you use performance appraisal form within the organization?
  7. How you check the individual performance?

Compensation management

  1. How much salary you provide to your employees then other organization?
  2. Do you thing high salary have effect on employees output?
  3. Good workforce who much important for your organization?
  4. How you determinate job worth against the rewards?
  5. According to which factors you decide the pay of individual?
  6. What is the effect of non financial rewards on employee’s outcome?

Labor Relation

  1. What is the scope of labor relation in your company?
  2. Your organization has any employees union?
  3. What is the process of making union in your organization?
  4. What are the process of certification and decertification?
  5. What are Collective bargaining steps you follow in your organization?
  6. What is the scope of grievance management in your organization?
  7. How you manage the health and safety issues of the employees?
  8. What is the employee’s communication process within the organization?

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