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Ideological Political Phenomena

Ideology is the study of origin, nature of ideas and how these ideas influence the political decisions. Ideology is a doctrine or body of beliefs owned by an individual or group of people. Ideology mainly focuses on philosophy. According to Christian Dunker a German philosopher, he described ideology as a system of presentations that explicitly or implicitly claim to absolute truth (Dunker, 2006). Ideology is mainly used in political speaking, for example politicians tend to use more convincing and attractive ideas when campaigning or convincing the public. Ideology is majorly classified into political, social, epistemological and ethical. In a layman’s language, a political ideology can be defined as influencing other people into certain decisions and exercising governance. More detailed, political ideology is the hierarchical flow of power, ideas and resources and control over human in a given region.  Social ideology refers to an idea that can greatly influence particular people and same time opposed by majority. Social ideology  mainly focuses on economic status of individuals in the society such as the poor and the rich, the crime rate, social disorganizations and education. Ideas can be passed to public, but the question to ask yourself is that, do the public understand these ideologies. ? Here’s where the epistemological idea comes through. Epistemology is basically the knowledge of knowing and understanding something. Epistemology is becoming current as equivalent to the philosophy of science, (Meyerson. 1908). Finally, ethical ideology is closely related to philosophy, ethical ideology focuses on the morality and how people are supposed to behave.

Political violence is a current event in many countries especially the developing countries. Basing my arguments from the meaning of ideology, political violence occurs when supporters of different candidates differ in ideologies. Political violence can occur after an election or before the election is carried out, political violence can also be as a result of some leaders’ intention of undermining democracy. For instance some leaders don’t allow free and fair elections but exercise tyranny on the people. In consideration to political ideology, political violence can erupt when citizens’ feels unsatisfied with the kind of governance displayed by their elected leaders. Political violence also relates to ethical ideology in a way that, when citizens of a particular government questions or doubt the conduct of their leaders, the citizens can engage in violence to pass information to such leaders. Political violence can occur when the social issues affecting the public is no extensively addressed by the leaders, such social issues may include; economic problems and insecurity. Political violence is a big hindrance to development and economic growth, countries experiencing political violence will always be victims of inadequate labor force since its citizens will always be migrating to seek refuge in other peaceful countries. Political violence should not even be a problem to talk about in this current generation because I believe this is a generation of democracy.

Political phenomenon can be defined as desire or ability of some people to establish power and strength on other people. (Maptioy. 2008). For instance let’s consider the Barack Obamas political phenomenon, in his election in 2008; Obama got the highest percentage of votes by presidential candidates challenging his opponent. Obama created a political phenomenon of winning the election despite him being black. In fact he created political history by being first black American president. Political phenomenon always allows for democracy, but there are still lots of debates whether to clarify democracy as a political phenomenon or not. Democracy as a political phenomenon marks, if not the end of history, but in fact a milestone in human in social life ( Fukuyama, 1989 ).

In conclusion, each country is believed to have at least a political phenomenon, some are negative that results to death of innocent people but some are positive that made unforgettable history.

  • Ellis, C., & Stimson, J. A. (2012). Ideology in America. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Žižekessee, S. A. (2012). Ideology and spatial voting in American elections. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press. S. (2012). Mapping ideology. London: Verso.

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