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How To Make A Top Grade Paper

Our topic is mush interesting according to the point of view of a student which is; How To Make A Top Grade Paper. Normally students can solve the paper they are unaware all the techniques used during solving paper, which help them to improving their grades. Here we discuss some points which help the students to make their paper more attractive and also can get better grades then other students.


How To Make A Top Grade Paper

If you are going to write an essay in paper, you should know all the main points related to topic of essay. You have to arrange all key points in your mind and then start writing. Always use such pen which is convenient to use and easy in smooth writing. Draw proper margin lines. Try to write essay with neat handwriting because it shows good impression on paper. Always write the essay in proper paragraphs so the reader can easy to read and not get bored with single lengthy page writing. In first paragraph, always give the brief introduction related to topic in detail.

Proper headings should be given before every paragraph which clearly show that which paragraph represent which point. Then its detail discussions given in second paragraph. And so on. Always try to explain any topic in such a way that its positive aspects or advantages show first then mention its drawbacks or disadvantages. Because if we define its weakness in first, it will affect the image of our topic adverse.

Always conclude the topic at the end of essay. Conclusion should include all the points which we discuss earlier and try to explain all things in brief way. According to requirements proper indexes and references should be given at the end of essay after conclusion which shows that students have knowledge about topic with all references.

Always try to use praise verbs in your paragraphs which make your writing more attractive. You can also use diagrams which show links, connections, figures and models which may include in the given topic and with the help of these things we can explain these points more effectively in paper. Because diagrams or any other pictures which can be drawn on paper make your topic more attentive and reader like teacher read your essay with more attention.  Try to make your writing skills more better, try to minimize the errors of grammar , write correct spellings , proper sentence structure should be used which defines what quality of paper you are going to solve becuse if teacher found such type of errors then they deduct your marks without focusing on concept which you discuss on paper. Try to use highlighter or marker to high light main or important thing which you write in the paper. Normally, quotations, writers name or definitions of any specific persons written with marker which prominent the names and main quotations.

So always try to write a proper and accurate essay having less number of errors which may reduce your grade and effect your position.

If you are solving a numerical paper like maths, accounting, and any other subject, then more attention you have to given for getting high grades. In numerical papers, always write the answers in a proper way.

Solution of question should be given in details which show all steps clearly. All minor and major calculations should be done side by side on the paper so the teacher feel convince while checking the paper. If any step need explanation then write on one side of that step and use , tables, graphs and statements can be drawn in numerical paper. Tables can be used for calculating the amount of any entity or prices by using different combinations of amount. Table help to explain all the figures and also show formulas of every amount. Which help to understand what is happening in the table.

Graphs are normally used in papers which help to explain the changing rates and their positions on graphs. They help to elaborate what amount helps to make the entity high and which goes at low level which effects their market position. So graph is also act as helping hand in any numeric data.

Statements means all financial statements and reports normally used in accounting related subjects. Like financial statement, income statement and so on. In such type of questions data is given in raw form and you have to calculate all figures according to their positions in statements and at the end calculate profit or required answers. Different types of formulas also used to calculate figures. So be careful while putting formulas whether it is appropriate at this place or not. And also carefully calculate the digits because some times in reading error students mistakenly read wrong digit and the complete calculation is going wrong.

Another main point is that students should give the answers according to marks of question which are specifying in paper. Short questions means not more than two to three lines and long questions means more than four to five lines. This specification is also very important while solving any paper.

In other words, these all things which we discuss above all those which can be marks deductable for students in their exams. But the main and most important thing is that students should be clearly study their subjects and solve the paper with great attention and full focus. Try to give accurate and to the point answers because irrelevant material not considered in papers. By keeping in mind all above issues, solve the paper. One more thing is that all above items are other but first student have to know the right answer of questions. He has the knowledge of given topic so then he can write anything on it or can solve any question. Its concepts should be clear. Because teacher don’t want to deduct your marks unintentionally. They want that you take good grades and promote to next level of education and learning. So it’s up to students that how much they work hard to get better and excellent grades in exams and prove themselves brilliant and intelligent students.

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