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Homemade and Web Based Weather Prediction Accuracy

There are different methods of studying weather patterns and making predictions. One of these methods is the simple method which can be set up at homes, usually referred to as homemade weather station. The other station is the advanced scientific station that involves complex computer systems to have more weather items to study. Young scientists can understand meteorological lessons by understanding homemade weather stations in preparations to become professional weather men and women. According to the differences in the two levels of weather studies, the homemade weather stations are better in understanding basic meteorology (Castro, para.4). This makes them better learning stations for young scientists when compared to the web-based forecasting used for professional forecasting.

Homemade and Web Based Weather Prediction Accuracy

In a homemade weather center that every young scientist comes across, various weather studying instruments that are used for different weather items are found. I have come across a simple weather station for young scientists, which has various weather reading instruments. Simple weather studies conducted in a homemade weather record rain, temperatures, wind, air pressure and humidity. To measure these weather items, scientists learn to record the amount of rainfall during a rainy day using a rain gauge. Temperatures are measured using a thermometer which may be in Celsius or Fahrenheit calibration. In determining wind patterns, a windsock used for measuring the strength of the wind and a wind vane that determines the direction of the wind. A barometer may also be available in a homemade weather station to measure air pressure and a hygrometer as well for measuring humidity. In all of these homemade weather instruments, the scientist is supposed to take the weather readings and record them on a daily journal for all of the items.

For a young scientist to understand the advanced weather station, assistance is from a professional meteorologist is needed. From an interview with Elizabeth Gardner who is a forecaster at Wral Television in Raleigh, it was clear that accuracy of an advanced weather station is higher. Ms Gardner explained that the homemade weather records are important for understanding weather but they cannot be relied on due to their low accuracy. There are many human errors that arise from the collection of weather information. The simple instruments when compared to the web-based weather instruments are also likely to have many errors. Ms Gardner also explained that advanced web-based weather instruments apply computer systems that are very accurate (Coiffier, 3). Due to improvements that computers add to the recording and distribution of weather information, it is possible to get weather information from the internet. Websites giving weather information also collect their data using advanced instruments that are more accurate and with fewer errors. It is possible to obtain that information from websites such as www.weatherbug.com and www.weather.com according to Ms Gardner. The most important difference in the two weather systems as observed in the homemade station and web-based weather sites is the type of instrument used. It is also evident that accuracy distinguishes the two, with information from the homemade station being less accurate than the web-based information.

Works Cited
  • Castrol, Rae. “Homemade Weather Stations,” 2012. Web. (https://www.ehow.com/about_5626306_homemade-weather-stations.html )
  • Coiffier, Jean. Fundamentals of numerical weather prediction. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print

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