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Foundation of Coach Up and Charity Company

Coach Up And Charity

Trust And Credibility 

Coach Up is the company providing the private coaching to the people so that they could reach the next level, of sports and the life. The company was founded by Jordab Fliegel, there is 100 money back guarantee in all the sessions. The company is established the credibility and trust into the people by focusing on the eight techniques that are very powerful. To gain the trust, the company has the professional logo design, the company has been featured on different channels, example, Forbes and Wall street Journal, the company is focused on partnership, maintain the customers testimonial on the websites, the company has the transparent history, there are the private coach and the company is active on social website. Through focusing on the techniques the company has potential customers.

Water Is The Non-Profit Organization

The company Charity: Water is the non-profit organization, started by the Scott Harrison, he wanted to give the clean water to the people of developing countries, so that their problems can be lessen. However, the company is also focused on eight techniques that have discussed early in the case of Coach Up. The company has the website, active within the media, people are donating money, there are the statistic of the charity, there is the extensive information of the website, active on Facebook, Twitter, and charity guarantee to improve the conditions of the people, the supporters have trust.

Foundation of Coach Up and Charity Company

Building Trust And Credibility Help Start-Up Firms Avoid Legal Disputes And Problems

Through building the trust and credibility, many problems can be solved, as the company Charity: Water and Coach Up have made the emotional connection with the people, through telling them the story. Through focusing on the eight dimensions, the company has got the trust of the supporters. The company is managing the programs on the websites and focused on the providing the statistics. This could be an ethical way to do the business in the market, because stakeholders can get the trust and they know the company is not a lair, as active on the media. As the company, Coach Up has the offer of 100% money back guarantee, if the customer is not satisfied and the company Charity: Water is getting the maximum charity for providing better water to the people, because people trust the companies, they have given the understanding of these services to their customers. However, in this way company can be safe from many problems or disputes.

The Cultures At Coach up And Charity 

Both the companies Coach Up and Charity: Water is well-aware of the business processes, and they know how the business can be done in the ethical ways, the companies by giving the awareness of the processes, to the customer have gained their trust. Companies are focusing on providing the ethical business and services to the customers. The companies have the organizational efficiencies, because in Coach Up the customers can tell about the choices, they are free to express their feeling, however, in Water: Charity, there is the guarantee to improve the people condition.


The companies are focused on improvement and the continuous motivation, they are talking or in touch with the customers or supporters, on the websites and through the media, the companies are in new, customers or charity givers trust hem, because they know they are protected. Both the companies are providing the guarantees to the customer and these are the proper ethics or ethical behaviors to do the business.

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