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Evolution of Management



Evolution in the management is about the progress and changes in the concept of management. In the past system of management was different that changed gradually with the time and introduction of the new concept. In the course of management, I learned that how the work of managers got changes from the 19th century to the 21st century. In the 19th century, the classical perspective of management was common in the society. Classical perspective was based on three major sub-fields administrative principals, scientific management and bureaucratic organizations systems. In this course, I also learned that in bureaucratic organizations system main emphasis was on rational authority and formal structure of the organizations (Martin, 2005). Mary Parker Follett was the advocate of humanistic perspective. Humanistic perspective was introduced after the bureaucratic organization system. Humanistic perceptive was in favor of human behaviors and norms. Theory X and Theory Y are the most important theories of management that were based on the human resources perspective (Roth, 1994). Theory X claims that human beings dislike work and try to avoid work responsibilities at the workplace. However theory Y claim that average human being not inherently dislikes work and taking responsibilities at workplace other factors also affects their behavior. However after that concept of management was again changed to the behavioral sciences approach. Behavioral science approach applied the concepts of the social sciences in the workplaces to make the management process more efficient. The journey of evolution does not end here it is also changing even in the present age (Price, 2011). New concepts are introduced that brings changes in the concept of management to make the management system more efficient and effective. Therefore to meet new changes management sciences was introduced after the World War 2. Management sciences supported the application of mathematics and statistics in the management system. According to this approach, quantitative techniques need to be used in the organizations for effective decisions making process.

Evolution of Management


In a management course, I learned about the evolution of the concept of management that is really supportive of me as it increased my knowledge towards the management. Before this course, I was not familiar with the old concepts of management. New knowledge supported me in learning the actual meaning and purpose of the management. Through this, I learned that management is not only limited to the decision-making process, in fact, it also relates to the behavior and norms. In management, the behavior of the employees, internal motivation and external factors are also important. As in the theory, X and Y two different perspective of the managers are discussed that draw different impact on their employees and output of their workforce (Griffin, 2015). Managers that consider their employees dumb and demotivated employee with work avoidant behavior will treat their employees in a different way as compared to the manager who considers that employees want to take responsibility. From the course, I also learned in the past authority was as important as it is in the present age. In bureaucratic organizations, authority delegation was fixed to make the workplace more rigid as at that time employees were considered as the worker only (Martin, 2005). However, when I compared that concept with the current management concept I find out that in present times employees are treated as equity for the organizations. Now the organizational structure is flexible that consider the suggestions of lower level management also. Decision-making process is now not only limited to the top level management only. Every person in the organization has their role and contribution towards success. In short, my experience and learning from this course enforce me to learn more, think in a broad way and find out the right way of management.


In my views, the learning I got from this activity and course has significant value for me in understanding the concepts of management. I learned everything in detail. I viewed the changes that generated the process of evaluation in a critical way that supported me in understanding how each new change in concept completely changed the overall concept of management. As the old concept of management is quite different from the new one. My detailed learning of evolution in management concept will support me in future also when I will start my career in management.


The learning experience will serve me in many ways in the future. Through this learning, I can understand the course of human resources management and other managed courses efficiently. Other than that I will also use this information in future in my professional life. My aim is to go into the field of management after the completion of studies. My learning from this evolution in management will help me in selecting the most appropriate way of management at the workplace. Through this, I learned the weakness and strengths of each way of management that will support in taking initiative.

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  • Griffin, R. (2015). Fundamentals of Management. Cengage Learning. Retrieved 08 20, 2018
  • Martin, J. (2005). Organizational Behaviour and Management. Cengage Learning EMEA. Retrieved 08 20, 2018
  • Price, A. (2011). Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning. Retrieved 08 20, 2018
  • Roth, W. (1994). The Evolution of Management Theory: Past, Present, Future. CRC Press. Retrieved 08 20, 2018

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