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Eulogy on Personal Experience Example

Eulogy on Personal Experience Example of Cleaning up the Cigarette Butts

Through doing efforts, we can get inner satisfactions and prosperity in our community and lives. At 4:00pm on Tuesday, my husband and I went to Boise River to clean up the cigarette butts. It was a great experience as we did this for the happiness and wellbeing of the community. We know that cigarette butts waste causes externalities, to clean up the waste from others is not the easy task, but we took it as a fun.

Smoker by wasting cigarette butts on beaches are creating pollution around us. Cigarette butts canEulogy on Personal Experience Example reduce the attractiveness of beach and may be harmful to the marine life. Many of the people from the community like to do fishing on Boise River; they eat fishes, in this way, my husband and I thought to do something, which gives us happiness and satisfaction. We enjoyed doing this for our community; we also caught some fishes there.

We were happy inside as the weather gave us pleasure; it was bit cold for the summer, but after devoting our full purpose, I have realized that doing little things for the people can give you inner satisfaction, and if you are happy inside then your mind will be relaxed. To clean cigarette butts we spend our one and half hour, as it was an hour, which actually worth for us. After clean up the cigarette butts we were tired, people of the community appreciated us, doing social work with a mission to promote the healthy life in community can be memorable. Through worthy efforts, we give service to the community so that our friends and family come to know that how much we care for them.

Overall it was a great experience, as by doing little efforts you can do big things for the people around you.

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