- Introduction
- Background of topic
- Ethical and unethical hacking
- Justification of ethical hacking
- Deontological and Utilitarian ethics of hacktivism
- Deontological ethics of hacktivism
- Utilitarian ethics of hacktivism
- Conclusion
- References
The nature of hacktivism enables hackers to demand anything they want to accomplish by putting pressure on any country’s government agencies in the world. They especially demand human rights, strengthen security systems, and transparency. There have been many effects of hacktivism on society as a whole, whether positive or negative. Hence, to have a general idea of what hacktivism is, how it works, the real objective of such groups, and whether it is ethical or not, we have discussed each part in detail in the following report. Since everyone around us in society has to face complications regarding the ethical dilemma, the philosophers have come up with many theories that have been made for the organizations and government authorities to make regulatory decisions. These theories also keep on updating due to the rapidly changing environment. Nowadays, in the technological era, the market keeps on updating and keeps on bringing new features.
Background of the Topic
Hacktivism is a combination of two words: ‘Hack’ and ‘Activism,’ and the meaning of the two words comprises computer-based techniques used to get information from other person’s devices. This hacking act is not just done for personal financial benefits; instead, it can be done to serve any political agenda or for self-motivated purposes. To break into government or private coordinating networks, techniques such as doxing, defacement, and denial-of-service is used. The people who carry out these tasks are called hackers. Hacktivism can also be referred to as activism because its goal is to bring social change; these changes are brought in a very constructive manner. These activities can be carried out in various ways, such as Anonymous and WikiLeaks, who work to achieve a common goal together. In other words, hacktivists are those individuals who end activities that can be referred to as illegitimate or illegal through a non-violent political procedure. The illegal activities that hacktivism helps in avoiding include theft of information, defacement, and virtual sabotage. There is no doubt that if used inappropriately, hacktivism can be very harmful, and hence there are certain norms that the hackers have to abide by to be trusted for their services. These rules and regulations are not set according to the traditional set of values that rely completely on the theoretical side of the ethical theories; instead, they are given their space, and boundaries are set for them to work in between them. This freedom of making small decisions by themselves is given because it is practically impossible to bind them to a standard set of guidelines for ethical decision-making.