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Energy Conservation for Cars in United Kingdom

This report will address issues related to energy savings and a past preview regarding the said subject. This will highlight major issues related are utilization of scared resources of energy, exploration of new sources of energy and a general discussion about the utility of different energy resources. Some problems will be energy conservation in general in cars. And Pros and cons of economic theory with respect to the subject assignment.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation is an effort to reduce the amount of energy used for the domestic & industrial purposes, more specifically in the developed world. Each country attempts to formulate a strategy to preserve scared financial resources. In other words we can define this potent terminology as the exercise of reducing the quantity of energy resource by achieving even the similar output. The topic of energy conservation has had promise in previous years, due to involvement by the British Government in the management of limited energy resources and the reduction of carbon emissions.

  This energy conservation can also be defined in terms of Physics, which states “In an isolated system energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be transformed from one shape to an other”. For example, it can be transformed from liquid form to gases and then gases may be converted to solid stat.

Energy Conservation for Cars in United Kingdom

Energy Conservation for Cars in UK

As we have come to know that above sited issue has high level of sensitivity, therefore it requires to be addressed in all segments of life to make things better. Vehicles are one of a country’s major units of energy consumption. These are in the list of the highest energy consumption groups, such as industrial production, even in developed countries. I think we should pay attention to this segment specifically when we are talking about energy conservation. In the United Kingdom, different methods are used for energy conservation and particularly throughout cars.

Methods for Energy Conservation

Scraping of old cars can play potent role in controlling fuel consumption in cars. This will minimize significant carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere and reduce pollution. This will also increase in sales of new brands of cars but offering some incentive for disposing of the old cars can do all this. Government intervention in this connection is very important.

To compare the fuel efficiency of different car manufacturers of the same model, people should be given information. This comparison will help them choose the right vehicle to provide them with fuel efficiency. This effect will also increase healthy competition in the automotive industry and overall impact on the automotive industry. Everyone company will try to provide best fuel efficient vehicle, reducing fuel wastage and increasing energy conservation ratio in cars.

Water should be used as fuel. When we talk of energy conservation, this energy source should be known as the most important gas. Similar to other sources, water is a better source of energy. Some people are looking at me with a gauss query. Can water be used in cars as fuel? And my response is ‘ yes ‘. Government should play role in proper utilization of this resource. Water is the largest and cheapest source of energy, but we don’t know about it properly.

Car maintenance is also one of the strategies used to conserve energy. If the vehicle is being handled by a mechanic who is the right person for the job, it will show good fuel efficiency. Proper attention is needed to maintain the car in order to expect good fuel efficiency from the car. All this can be done by applying regular checks and test of your for efficiency of fuel. When you maintain your car in good running condition, it will provide you with great fuel efficiency and reduce your monthly fuel costs.

Alternate fuels should be used e.g. Ethanol, Propane, Biodiesel or Natural Gas etc for achieving fuel efficiency of your car. All this can be done by consulting fuel efficiency offices and agencies for better results.

What is Economic Theory?

Basically, economics is the attraction and a believe because it explains the policies that will make peoples’ lives better. Economics woks like other kinds of sciences and have a regulation component. Mostly it is found in understanding the working of its subject matters. Here in this segment of the life it is also playing its role in the same way.

This is economics theory which literate us for the saving of our scared energy resources and let us formulate the strategies in performing this particular job. Economic theory provides us the basis for our future planning of survival. If we do not pay regards to this theory and let the things happen with no check and balance, soon we will demolish our selves and broke our world into barren pieces of land.

Pros & Cons of Economic Theory

Every theory has its advantages and disadvantages as well. But this theory has more beneficial aspects as compare to the harmful effects or disadvantages. First and foremost considerable benefit is that it gives awareness to the people about scarcity of the resources. Science says that energy can neither be destroyed nor created but can be changed in different shapes and some shapes are irreversible. So, if we do not care about the scared natural energy resources and let them be wasted by our negligence, then we have to pay for this. Future of our generation is in our hands, this awareness is provided by this economic theory. If we control our energy utilization and can control environmental pollution than we can save our upcoming generations by lessening the earth warm effect. This economic theory gives us the procedures to deal with the world economics and achieving the fruitful result.

Economics works on predictions and its theories are valid for some specific time frames. When circumstances change and global preference of countries change then economic theories remain ineffective and they need to be alter with the passage of time.

  • Arthur Hazelwood (1954) by Oxford University Pres
  • Tony Buxton and Paul G. Chapman (1998), London
  • www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk

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