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Economic Analysis and Decision Making Tool Cases

Economic Analysis And Decision-Making Tool


Case study 1

In this case, we are going to discuss the set of traffic lights on the high way roads in order to avoid the accidents on the nighttime especially. The traffic lights help very much in terms of making people aware of the un coming traffic on the roads so that they can make the traffic flow easy and as well as they are going to make the people comfortable in using the traffic side at night time because most of the people are used to travel on the roads at night when they have to go to the distant places and as well as at the time when they are going to any other place at night as an emergency. The traffic signals and lights on the high way are very much important as well as essential factor in terms of making the working of the organization efficient and beneficial for the people.

Case Study 2

In this case, we are going to study about the innovative and unique ideas about the industry in which they are going to work with the best efficiency. The electricity need in every term with the best efficiency and in the best quantity because they are going to make the working of the people very much easy and precise.

Electricity is the most essential and most promising factor of today’s life. Now new technology has been introduced in order to make the working of the people easy and efficient. As well as they are going to make the life of people very much comfortable and relaxed.

Economic Analysis and Decision Making Tool Cases


Case Study 1

The study of this article is related to the study or knows how of the traffic lights on highways which are placed their n order to help the people while driving on the roads at daytime. There are many of the benefits and effectiveness of these implementations in order to make the driving safe for the people. This makes the reduction of accidents on the roads at nighttime because it is very much important to keep the roads safe at that time.

When these roads or highways are made safe then they will be able to use by the people easily. If the lightening system is poor on the roads then it becomes very difficult for the people to see the traffic clearly and as well as it can cause severe accidents on the roads due to poor lightening system on the roads. This issue should be resolved properly.

Case Study 2

This article is on the study of developing and selling of new and innovative ideas in different fields of life. The ideas are very much important and essential in terms of being implemented in the fields where you are working. New and innovative ideas are very much important in terms of making the working efficiency of you and your company’s performance well.

This article is about Three friends that are making and working on an idea of implementing solar energy plates at their own property so that they can get maximum benefits in terms of making it more efficient for their use. They are going to work on the unique and innovative ideas in terms of making the processing of they are going to make the programme to work on the efficiency of the workings of T.V along with a connection of solar system with it.


Case study 1

The background of this issue is that in the past when there is less technology introduced by the scientist in terms of lightening the roadsides especially the high ways that are used very much and had a heavy traffic on them in order to be used by the people most of the times. The person who needs to travel to the distant places takes the roads on the high ways so that they can go to their required places. However, there were very fewer facilities present on the roads of light in order to help the people in travelling at night times. The traffic lights are very much needed in the past in order to stop the accidents that were occurring very much because of deficiency of the light on the high way roads. Traffic control signs are very much easy and efficient as well in order to avoid accidents on roads.

Case study 2

The second article or case study is to describe the implementations of new and unique ideas in the field of removing electricity deficiency. The electricity was when produced cause a lot of ease in the lives of people because they are going to make the lives of the people comfortable and relax in terms of making the workings in every field very much easy and efficient because too much machinery is being introduced by the scientist that has now in use of the people. The electricity innovations provided by the scientist is very much analyzed and used by the people in order to make their lives more efficient and smarter. The electricity is going to be replaced by the solar panels’ energy used by the sun in order to make it efficient for the use by the people. The electricity use is very much important and essential since it is introduced by the scientist in the daily life of the people.

Analysis And Calculations

Case study 1

It is analyzed by the study of the background of the case one that traffic signals and traffic lights are very much important and essential in order to control the traffic on the roads as well as they are very much important and as well as essential in order to make the working efficiency of the traffic signals more accurate and more important to observe the best results in order to avoid accidents on the road.

The traffic lights on the high way do not only control the traffic as they are made on LED systems, as well as they, are very much soft rays that do not harm the eyes of the people only provides light to them. They are made on a calculated angel that helps the best in terms of making them very much efficient and well equipped to give the efficient working to the people who pass by the high ways at nighttime especially. (RyosukeAndo, 2018)

Case Study 2

It is analyzed by the study of background of the case of implementing innovative and unique ideas for the field of electricity by the people it can be said clearly that these ideas of making solar plates to be used by the people in place of using common DC inverter electricity by the people so that they can be used more by the people and the deficiency of the electricity can be decreased in order to remove the deficiency of the electricity in the world.

The solar plates are very much cost saving in terms of bills by the people as well as they are going to make the energy with high efficiency but low consumption of electricity unit as a plus. This facility not only helps in making the workings of the electricity products well as well as it makes the life of things long and make them more resistant as well. (Google.com.pk, 2018)

Discussion And Opinion

Case Study 1

It is clearly discussed that in order to make the traffic control easy and relaxing for the people the new LED made headlights should be provided to the people as well as it should be made easy for their workings because they are going to make the traffic control easy and précised. As well as traffic control, the system is very much important to be controlled by the use of light as it clears the way of people on the roads and makes their working efficiency in controlling the lights as a plus.

Most of the times LED lights makes the traffic control easy and people become aware of where they are going by the help of that lights. The traffic lights on the high way are a sign of big relief for the people and it reduces the number of accidents on road. My opinion will be to use the lightest rayed LED lights in order to consume less electricity as well as in order to serve the best to the people on road.

Case study 2

It is easily understood by the study of this case that the more you become innovative in your organization or the place you are at that time the more you show new innovations to the place the more success you get in order to prove yourself and the state best. Sometimes when electricity causes a disturbance to the people in their workings then it became very much difficult for them to fulfil their tasks on accurate time and with good efficiency as well.

The Analysis says that the more power is going to be used in near future by the people so solar batteries are efficient to be used by the people and the more people will use it the more they will get the result.  My opinion is to make the cost-effective solar plates so that everyone can get benefit from it. (Financialpost.com, 2018)

Also Study:

Neuroeconomics and The Process of Decision Making

  • com. (2018). Four keys to selling innovative ideas to company decision makers. Retrieved from https://business.financialpost.com/executive/c-suite/four-keys-to-selling-innovative-ideas-to-company-decision-makers
  • com.pk. (2018). Basics of Engineering Economy. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • (2018). Data analysis on traffic accident and urban crime. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2046043017300631

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