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Different Ethics Cases Examples and Analysis


When Information Storage Gets Under Your Skin

In the article, the new trends are discussed, which is about the chip, which can implanted in the skin and many of the benefits can be there, however, there are the information storage in the device, from which the things can be remember and done quickly. There are the separate tags and the information about the contacts. The things can be easily carried out. There are the business cards and the ID card. The processes are helpful in the business function, as one can enter easily in the premises (ADAM & WILKES, 2016).

However, the transactions can be there. The information about the parking lots can be taken, there are the safeties and securities, the medical data can also be stored, regarding the medical the functions are installed, which gives the guidance about the facts and the processes, and the information is there.

Different Ethics Cases Examples and Analysis

There could be the ethical issues, which can be there with the mankind, as there can be the issues of the privacy concerns, the privacy matters can be revealed. Or other can get the information’s about the aspects. The young people may accept the technologies, but there could be issues with the children or the old people, because they may not have the capabilities. However, in my point of view, there can be the issues, regarding to the chip, there can be the health issues, as the technology is advanced, there can be parental issues as discussed in the article, the things need to be managed, regarding to the technology, the proper assessment need to be given, and the examination should be there (Gasson, Kosta, & Bowman, 2012).

Main Street Milton Friedman’s Morals

In the article, there is the discussion about the free trade, as the Donald Trump discussed about the chief trade prosecutor, there are the campaigns about the foreigner, as there is need to sell on the better prices, however, the government need to protect the trade, however, regarding the text, as they do not win the trade. The complaint was done on the matters, as the complaints were there because according to him, the trade was not supported by the government.

There is need to give the trade at the better prices, the Friedman’s in this case response that “Free to Choose”, as per discussion and according to my point view, the article well explained about the trading facts, that the tariff need to be lower down, in the five years. However, the discussion by the people in the article is right as they are asking for the right or the best sells, the industries have, steel the higher prices as they have the minimum employees. However, regarding to the ethical views the tariffs need to be reduced, so that there could be more advantages for the people of the country, and things can be served in the better way (MCGURN, 2016).

Maximum advantages and support will be given to the exports, if tariffs reduced in the coming years, moreover, there are the social and moral issues regarding to the trades, for the betterment of the country trade deals, there is need to think on the matters relevant to balance the trade processes (Jennings, 2012).

Now Serving Single Cow Burgers

According to the article, there are many sources of the beef or the cows, but local meat is more preferable than the others, however, it is discussed that organic meat or the meat from the local sources is healthy as compared to the other meat. While, there are the meat operations and there are some consumers who desire for the local sources of meat in regards to the burger and bacon. Consumers are willing to pay even higher prices for the local meats, however, the local meat is healthier and tasty and health benefits are there. Consumers in this ay see the local meat as the ethically raised or butchered (GEE & HADDON, 2016).

There are the farms for the locally sources or local meat, the ethical theory for the animals, suggest that there is need to raise the animals, in the appropriate way, and the animals are need to given the good diet. However, it may be ethically wrong that the rich people can buy the local meat; however, the poor people may not get the good or local meet because the sources are expensive. In my point of view, there is need to grow the beef or cows in the ethical ways and the government need to support the process so that the people can get the meat based on the fair prices. There should be no biasness between the people, as the local sources are there. The farms need to be given the resources so that the animals could be grown, in the healthier and better ways (Pozgar, 2012).

  • MCGURN, W. (2016, September 19). Milton Friedman’s Morals. Retrieved November 6, 2016, from https://www.wsj.com/articles/milton-friedmans-morals-1474329068
  • Pozgar, G. D. (2012). Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • ADAM, N., & WILKES, W. (2016, September 18). When Information Storage Gets Under Your Skin. Retrieved November 6, 2016, from https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-information-storage-gets-under-your-skin-1474251062
  • Gasson, M. N., Kosta, E., & Bowman, D. M. (2012). Human ICT Implants: Technical, Legal and Ethical Considerations. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • GEE, K., & HADDON, H. (2016, October 5). Foodies Can Order Meats From a Single Animal. Retrieved November 6, 2016, from https://www.wsj.com/articles/foodies-can-order-meats-from-a-single-animal-1475690882

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