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Different Cloud Based and Web Based Definitions



Cloud computing means the kind of internet based services, which share data on demand, to the computers and other devices. Cloud computing could also be the storage of solution provider to the users.


Elasticity is defined as the degree, to which a system has successfully cope up with an expanding workload, and decommissioning the capacity, which is no longer needed to use. It cut back the services or capacity.

Over The Internet

It is the model, which is designed for public, and provides all useful services to the third party, which is searching for the information on the internet.

Geo Tagging

Geo tagging is a form of metadata, in which the geographical information is added to various media, which can give help to other people who logged in to get the service or information.

Different Cloud Based and Web Based Definitions

Platform At Services

It is the category of service, which allow customer to develop, manage and run the application, which is associated with launching an application.


Pool is a set of resource or data, which is kept on internet and is ready to use. The pool client can request the source of pool and the external user can help him to give desired operations.

Private Cloud

Private cloud is a type of cloud computing platform, which is under the control of IT department. Private cloud can give the services or benefits to the public cloud system. Private cloud has control over company data.

Remote Action System

Remote action system is to remote the functions of JavaScript. It provides support to the process of JavaScript. It can be handling by the controller for various functions.

Service Oriented Architecture

Service oriented architecture is a pattern, which is designed for computer software, to provide the services to other components. It provides services over the network and it is independent technology.

Software As A Service

Software as a service is a typical software of internet, which is hosted by the service provider; they give the services to the customers and it is beneficial for the customers.


Telediagnosis take place when the data is evaluated and there is the detection of the problem, which is received from different stations.

Tele Law Enforcement

Tele law enforcement is the law, which is made for the internet users, that monitoring of telephone and internet conversation by third party is not allowed. The government agencies made this law.


Telesurgery is the ability to give feedback to the researchers, about what is essential and what is not. The entire problem is reviewed in telesurgery and the problems are discussed.

Web Services

Web service is the services, which are given for programming the data, these services also linked to the human resources and businesses. Web servers provide this information through we-connected programs.

Web Services Standards

Web service standards are the web services applications, these are the standardize way to provide information using web-based applications. This is also called internet protocol backbone by using the SOAP, XML, and UDDI etc.

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