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Difference Between Research Paper and Research Article

Difference Between Research Paper and Article

The research is considered as the movement which has gained a significant place in an academic world and that’s why most of the assignment need specialized working framework and exploration. The research papers as well as research articles are a bit of compilation which is needed for the basic exam, understanding, and exhibiting the exceptional aptitudes for the research and studies.

Difference Between Research Paper and Research ArticleThe research articles and research papers are the pieces of the writing which need inquiry, critical analysis, insight, and exhibition of few particular skills from the scientists and students. It is actually overwhelming for the students when the teacher asks them about writing a research paper as an assignment. Students get confused amid research article and research paper as both of a lot of similarities. Here, we will mention the major differences between the two and also how two terms are similar to each other.

Research Article

What will be the next step for a scholar or a scientist who has arrived to the solution of the problem or had created a discovery which he wants to show to the world? Well, the best method of letting world know regarding your knowledge or wisdom of yours is write the research article. A research article is a writing which comprises of the genuine idea of research along with the relevant findings and data. It gets published by the famous scientific journals which are related to the working area to which your paper pertains. You can call research paper as the writing or a paper which tells people about the path of breaking research or the finding with the clinical data for supporting that finding.

A Research article gets a touch of building which has a unique research along with the relevant info and disclosures. It is a kind of exploration article which tells readers who concerned about the breaking the finding or researching with the info to strengthen the finding.

Significance of Research Article

A research article can be an important source – which means that it can provide a great reference for writing the thesis about the relevant topic. It has a report of the strategies and the aftereffects of the unique research done by the researchers. The kind of study done may get fluctuated (it may have the format like examining, reviewing, meeting etc.), eve then in each of the case, the raw info is gathered and then broken down by the researcher and results are drawn as per the investigations done during research. So, the whole working process depends on the unique situation and whatever dialect you choose, your article must be able to transmit your whole research and findings in the most easier and reliable way.

Format of a Research Article

  • Make a title particular enough to illustrate the whole content of your article, however not to be so technical that just specialists could understand it. A title of article must be appropriate for objected audience.
  • A title of article generally illustrates the subject material of article like, “effect of alcohol on academic performance”
  • A title may also few times summarizes the overall results in an effective way like “students who drink, get low grades”
  • A researcher who did research and wrote down article is usually regarded as the first author of article
  • All those articles which get published, there are some other people who have done substantial contributions, so they are regarded as authors. Also, you can ask permission of your mentor before including his/her name as one of the co-author or author.
  • Abstract is a kind of summary which is published along with the research article, showing a preview of whole research to the reader. Suh summaries can also get published separately as the bibliographical sources, like Biologic al Abstracts. Thru let other of the scientists to scan a large bulk of the scientific literature fast, and then decide which of the research articles they need to read in complete depth. An abstract of research article must be a bit less technical as compared to the content of article itself.
  • An abstract must of one paragraph – 100 to 250 words, which gives a summary of the objective, methods, findings, and conclusion of article.
  • It is not very easier to give all the info in just one paragraph. Initiate by mentioning the summary which involves whatever you feel is significant to mention, and then slowly prune it by cutting down its size by removing the unwanted details, while retaining the important concepts.
  • Don’t add citations or abbreviations in the content of your abstract. It must be able to read without any footnotes.

What was the objective question of your research? How can it be interesting? This part of the article gives a summary of the related literature so that your reader gets an understanding of the purpose of question and what’s so interesting about it. The introduction should be of 2 to 4 paragraphs. End it with statement giving explanation of the question.


The way you answer your question is given in this part. There must be sufficient info included here for allowing reader to know about research. Search other articles which are published before of your subject to have some idea about this section of article.  If you own a complex protocol, it can help you in including the figures, flow charts, or tables for explaining the ways you use. Also, mention the related moral considerations. If you utilized the human related subjects, do they allow to participate? If you utilized animals, what considerations do you take for reducing pain?


This section includes the presentation of results which you have made. Use charts and graphs if required, however also give a summary of main findings in this section. Don’t mention the results or predict as for telling why anything happened. You don’t have to mention any of the data which you have gotten from study. As it is not your notebook, it is a research article. Use suitable ways of elaborating the data. Don’t tend to manipulate your data for making it look as you have done a lot than what you have actually done.


If you show the data in from of graphs or tables, mention a bit about what is your graph or table about like you can say “this graph or table represents the activity of enzyme at different temperatures” instead of saying that “these are the results which are drawn”. Also, don’t utilize graphs or tables for making your article fancy. Just summarize the data in them.


Mention the highly important results there but don’t only repeat what you got in section of results. How your results are linked with your question? Do your data support the given hypothesis? Are the results consistent with what you have investigated in the article? If the results are unexpected, tend to give reasons. If there some other way of interpreting the results? What more research is required for answering your question? How your results can fit in the bigger picture?


The section of acknowledgements is optional. You can give thanks to the persons who either aided you during experimentation, or made any other significant contribution, like giving comments on manuscript, discussing your protocol and so on.


There are few possible ways of organizing this section. Like, you can kite the literature at suitable places within the text. Or, add a list of references at the end of article in an alphabetical order.

Research Paper

Research is the work which has great importance in the world of academics, and that’s the reason most of your assignments need research and the process of technical writing initiates even at the earliest stages of school. The students are mostly asked for submitting the research paper as the high school begins, and as they come across the actual concept while reaching to the colleges or universities for higher studies, they are considered professional in writing research paper. But, the research paper is not only the assignment done by the students as like the others done by the scientists and scholars or get published in the journals which are also sometimes called as the research papers.

Research paper is also considered as the movement which has pointed strong centrality in the scholastic. So in any of the case, the examine papers are not only like the errand papers made buy the understudies as those which are made by the scientists and researchers. Moreover, the distributed in different diaries are also recommended as the research papers.

Significance of Research Paper

Writing a fine research paper is not only a not-related task why you require for doing in order to get yourself passed. It is a task via which you learn a lot like,

  • How to do research on a given topic
  • How to express the understanding coherently, conclusions and analysis regarding the topic for someone else who may not or may get informed on the topic you want to work on.

More you work on the quality of paper during your college, more you need to work for improving the writing skills and research, and better your analytical and writing skills will become. But, lesser you perform, lesser will be the competition and more likely you will look back at this time and regret in the later years that you have wasted your chance. This is the reason why getting benefit of having the finest writing skills is very important.

Format of a Research Paper

The Research papers follow a specific format. Here it is:


There is a brief introduction which will usually comprise the review of the current literature on given topic researched, and elaborate the rationale of study of the author. This is significant as it mentions that the authors are well aware of the current research and plan to contribute to the current body of the research in an appropriate way (I.e. they are not only performing what other people have already done).


In this section, the authors elaborate how they can analyze and collect the data. The statistical analysis is also included. The section of method is very detailed, as it is very important as other researchers can be able to get verified or use the same methods.


In this section, you can describe the results of your analysis. Use graphs and charts here to illustrate your results.


Here the authors explain the interpretation of the results and include theory of the importance of the current and future research.


You can add references and citations here. References are actually books and articles which authors use to plan the research and for supporting the discussion.

Major Difference Between Research Paper and Research Article

Few of the major differences amid research article and research paper are given below:

  • There doesn’t exist any such difference amid research article and research paper. Both have genuine research with the results.
  • There is the trend of referring to the academic papers and term papers done by the students in colleges as the research papers whereas research articles are submitted by the scientists and scholars with the groundbreaking research are known as the research articles.
  • The research articles get published in the famous scientific journals where the research papers are done by the students don’t come in journals.

Comparison Between Research Paper and Research Article

Difference Between Research Paper and Research Article

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1 comment

Cho Ngum Carine July 20, 2021 - 3:27 am

I have pickedup slot from your material which will greatly be of help. Thanks so much.


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