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Development of Education System in Sudan Research Paper Summary

Importance of Development of Education System in Sudan Research Paper Summary


The education system framework in twenty-first century concern on international educationDevelopment of Education System in Sudan Research Paper Summary conference Geneva  October 1996  for  regulation and legislations. Since then  more important occurred in development in different categories and domain  such as: economic effect, political were have significant effect to the education  sectors phases for Sudanese education system, the fact made it incumbent to the government to review the framework continuously . The research contain  the formulation of general polices in education plans ,and the development curricula , and  coordinate training sectors for staff  to meet the requirement of international quality standards  for higher academic  institutions. The program framework aims to develop technique of deliver teaching facilities and to build the standards to meet the other country’s formulations. Formulation polices of the development point to the institutions system evaluation of secondary school certificate. The case study investigate the education system of government education sectors and  privet sectors for delivery the performance quality standards  for  highs educations. The research of the case study aim examine  and analyse the factors  influence of education system, to  Recognise the change of  effecting  the quality compare between 20centuries and 21 centuries.


In general, according to ISO 9000 quality assurance can be defined as any process of system need to be check to see that service output whether developed or not to meet the specific requirement. The research set out for investigation for quality assurance in high education in Sudan and recognizes the particular failure effect the development in the country systematic institution.

Quality assurance through a range of quality control methods and procedures in higher education in Sudan goes back to the past century. Sudan was second largest country in Africa after the independent 1956 , it’s hard to managed and demonstrate from the Centre thus they have agreed to divide into  26 state each  one have own legislative council and government system including the ministries  of education all these will be refer and instructed government place in capital city Khartoum.

The range of quality assurance though  the procedure of quality control in higher education system in Sudan that’s goes back to previous century, the establishment started  early twentieth century’s. Most of the higher education’s system in institutions were affiliated partner and associated with United Kingdom, which was provide subject to exact quality control in situations participation’s. The British quality control system carried on until the independent of Sudan in 1956 where affiliation came to the end.

In particular the University of Khartoum adopt the system, by external examiner which leading universities in great Britain and other universities in Europe to evaluate excellence performance in university graduates.  The effort of evaluation became perfect recognition in term of context partial efforts, these effort not consider of evaluation requirements in higher education institutions as integrated system

In last centuries in particular 1990s the research of justification for quality assurance system shows unprecedented high figure of educations institutions. These quantities witnessed the grows in higher education system without focus on the quality adoptions which its lead to failure and weakness attention.


This chapter introduce the quality assurance inHigher Education System (HES) on different methods. The report establish and objectives andensure the evaluation and accreditation (EVAC) to adopt the quality in higher education system in Sudan.

The national standards is important to ensure the quality for the educations, the purpose for any global organization in our world, to develop the education sectors  either primary ,or higher  education  including  the  Sudan. The institutions of higher education (HE)are likely to withstand the severe competition to meet the requirement  and  challenges facing  the globalization in different decade.

The development study case in higher education system focusing  on research  investigate how the communities able to fit the purpose and knowledge  and economy supported information technology  and technical function, that’s including  the possess of professional skills to meet the challenge requirement.

In last decade many countries realize the important of the quality in education system, and the imply of the quality standards for their academic institution which is cause significant effect to the economy and health, and many types of field development.

The improvement of higher education (HE) programs required  the essential of the development for the countries  in particular 21 first century. It, is hug massive development is some part in our world  specially the western countries  more development countries (MDC)that’s refer to the quality of education system, that’s create massive challenge and positive impact for Less development countries (LDC) to aim maintain the education system and adopt the quality.

Every global ideas to develop and grows and challenge would require challenging rapidly by the following context:

  • The flow of information and knowledge clearly and communicate the communicate with technology revaluation.
  • The though of open human transmission in example our world its small village.
Statement of Problem:

The Proper education system in the country is important in the country.  The education system is the most important factor in the development of country and improvement of the economic condition of the country. As the time passing, the standards and policies of education are changing according to the new working environment and requirement of the business world. To compete and to have a position in the world, Sudan need to improve its quality of standards and need to make new policies so that they can meet the education standards of other countries.

The quality education system has a significant effect on the development f the country and on improving the economic condition of the country. The Proper education system in the country helps people to maintain and improve the standards of living. The quality education system also reduces the transfer and transportation of potential students to another country. This transportation and immigration for study purpose also required a lot of money, which is impossible for a normal person especially in Sudan to have this facility.

The current study contains the meticulous problem statement that the Sudan is lagging and failing in providing quality education system to their children and to their students at a higher level. The Proper education system is an important and major facility that should be provided by the government of the country. Sudan is failing to make proper policies and standards to have a proper quality education system in the country and to meet these standards to other countries of the world.

If Sudan will fail to improve the quality of standards in the country, then in future they will face huge loss in the form of potential new students, in the form of economic development etc. The government of Sudan needs to make policies and new standards of education system according to the international standards. The government of Sudan also need to take proper action to reduce the political involvement in making of policies regarding standards of education.

 Research questions:
  1. What are the standards that other countries are following to provide quality education system to their students?
  2. What is required by the Sudan to have a quality education system in the country for the students?
  3. What are hindering factors in the development of quality standards of the education system for students in Sudan?
  4. What policies and standards should be made to meet the international quality standards of education?
  5. What are the effects of having quality standards of education or proper education system in the country?

All questions mentioned above will help to identify the issues and hindering factors that led Sudan to have improper standards and system of education in the country. Moreover, these questions will help to find out the ways that the government of Sudan can used to make policies and plans to improve the education system of the country. These questions will also help to identify other aspects of an education system that should be incorporated to have proper standards of the education system.

Aims and objectives of the research:
  1. To find out importance of quality education system in the country
  2. Analyze the factors that led to having improper education system in the country
  3. To find out policies and plans that should be made to improve the education system
  4. To analyze how education system affects the economy and development of the country
  5. To identify factors and requirement of students in schools, colleges and universities
  6. To meet the quality standards of education system of Sudan with the other country’s education system

Quality education is important for the students. It plays an important role in the development, improvement and better economic condition of the country. If the student of Sudan will have a proper education system in the country, then they there will be no need to travel across the country to get higher education system and to have a better livelihood. The quality education system and standards are important because people with higher, technological and up-to-date- knowledge helps the country to improve the economic conditions, standards of living and reduce the poverty level from the county. There are many factors that affect the country to have proper education for example; involvement of highly political personality and forces in the government. There are some other factors too like lack of money and capital in the development of standards and making of policies. Therefore, as the education is important, the proper education system is also important in the country. It also motivates the level of people in the country to have an education. If countries have a better education system and high literacy rate, then its poverty level reduces time by time.

The Significance of Research:

The research is important for the various purposes, as through the research the reader comes to know about the level of education in the Sudan. Sudan is the underdeveloped country; the students there do not have the adequate institutions, while the country is, struggle to give the student appropriate knowledge so they can compete with the modern world. The country is struggling for many years; however, there are universities, through the research, the students of Sudan come to know about the country and government efforts there. The researchers and people from the various countries can also get the information regarding the importance of education or the quality assurance of education in the Sudan (Undp, 2010). The student can get the adequate knowledge that how Sudan and other countries did efforts to promote education there, a student can learn about the dedication and can get the motivation to do hard work. When the student there realizes the importance of education and dedication, they can work harder to compete with the students of the developed countries. The motivation is an essential part of studying or learning or gaining knowledge from various aspects, the motivated student can show their efforts while contributing to the economic welfare of the country, they can give benefits from the technological point of view. The hard working and motivated student can never fail and can give the motivation to others (Southsudanemis, 2013). Their research is important from various points of view, the governing bodies of the country can also know about their status of the education. The study or research will contribute to making the student more efficient and then they can give benefits to the country. The study will be helpful regarding the future issues as the student’s status can be known and efforts of the teachers and governments can be determined. Moreover, the study also includes the questionnaire, so that the research should be authentic, the data is collected from the resource, which can be reliable and the study gives us the insight into the current education status in Sudan.

The Scope of Research:

The scope of this research is viable or feasible for the universities or other educational institution of different countries, as the European and American institutions can also get awareness about the situation of the educational system in Sudan. The study is based on the future problems that if the country is not focused on the issues faced by the educational sectors then what could happen (Hamdy, 2007). There are some rules and regulations in the study that how students can be motivated towards studies, as the research and data are collected through interviewing the students from the various universities to check the quality assurance in higher education in Sudan. The study also includes the interviews from the students that can motivate the researcher to focus on the various areas of the education given in the Sudan. This study is important for the new student who have recently joined or thinking to join the university because student analysis and reviews are there about the improved educational system of the country. The success of the educational system processes depends on the quality of education that is given to the students; however, proper working and efforts of the organizations are known or focused in the research. In recent years, the country did efforts to promote the quality studies for the students so, the study also focuses on the training and development of the students as it clears the consequences, which should be taken for the betterment at the different steps. The study is helpful for the students as well as the teachers because the study experiences the students and teachers behavior and involvement in Sudan. The teachers can know about the student’s behavior or perception about the studies in universities, in Sudan as the results of the researchers through questionnaire are there and the students can know about the teaching styles, which is implemented there.

Limitation of the Research:

There are many limitations in the research as the sample size is very restricted or small, not all the students from the universities allowed us to take their reviews, the student gets hesitated so their given data cannot be leaked with their names. Few of the students agreed to share their experience and thoughts with us, there are only 100 respondents so the exact though may not be concluded, some of the students may do biased while filling the questionnaires. The questionnaires may not give us the exact thinking or experience of the students studying in the universities of the Sudan. The results from the students may not be accurate; there were the different people from different ethnicity, thinking or areas, so the results may not be appropriate. Everybody can have the own point of view regarding the educational system of the country. Maybe some students like the interventions and new criteria of the studies and maybe some of them do not appreciate the modern methods of studying. The case could be different in the different scenario, the human error and biases are involved in filling the questionnaires so the results deducted or evaluated may not be exact what we thinking off. In my point of view, more questionnaires needed to fill in this case and the students need to be motivated to share their feeling for the future of the higher educational sector in Sudan.

Moreover, the questionnaire was consist of the various questions, so the spate time was needed to fill them, some of the students take time and fill the questionnaires accordingly without biases but few who do not have the much time failed to answer all the questions properly. I have noticed some of the students filling the questionnaires and giving the reviews without reading the statements. Many of the students from Sudan higher educational institutes have filled the questionnaires without considering the truth, as they do not have the proper understanding or knowledge that what is being asked and what they are writing. Through the research analysis, to approach the accurate data is very difficult for us because the students do not cooperate. The research that we made or collected is from the secondary source; the secondary source includes the various websites, interviews, journal articles and the question survey.

  • Hamdy, A. (2007). ICT in Education in Sudan. SURVEY OF ICT AND EDUCATION IN AFRICA: Sudan Country Report , 1-10.
  • Southsudanemis. (2013). Government of Republic of South Sudan. Retrieved July 11, 2016, from https://southsudanemis.org/files/reports/2013/SSEMIS_2013_National.pdf
  • Undp. (2010). The Republic of Sudan@ National Population Council . Retrieved July 11, 2015, from https://www.undp.org/content/dam/rbas/report/Sudan-MDG-Report-2010.pdf

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