Introduction: Phosphate salts are retrieved from naturally occurring minerals, which are mined, refined, and purified for use in many applications. Mostly Phosphate is used in agriculture as a fertilizer.
Sources of Phosphate:
Natural: Weathering of Phosphate-containing rocks is the cause of phosphate entrance in nearby rivers and streams (EEA, 2005).
Anthropogenic: For Phosphate, households and industry are the most significant source. Sometimes agriculture has become the main source of phosphates because of the use of fertilizers and pesticides (EEA, 2005).
Sampling: Laundry effluent Samples were collected from the washing machine using a sterile one liter collection bottle following the final cycle of the laundry load. Five samples were collected; one from each corner of the machine and one from the middle. All these samples were mixed to create a representative sample of the laundry waste before draining it.