“Collective Organizational Engagement; Linking Motivational Antecedents, Strategic Implementation, and Firm Performance”
The article focuses on the performance management of the employees, the collective organization effort can lead the company to make the employees able to perform in the better way, the article “Collective organizational engagement; linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance” is based on the comprehensive theory that is focused or can be linked to the collective organizational engagement. The human resource management model is made in the article as discusses the organization-level that the organization function needs to be conducted in the proper way by the management, the employees and the management need to perform in an appropriate behavior so that the organizational practices can be influenced.
In the article, three distinct or different organizational practices are discussed that how motivating work design can help to support the human resource management observes and followed in the company. The company needs to consider the strategies that are effective in the organization, however, the three of the dimensions or the practices that need to be carried out in the organization for the effective performance are, CEO transformational leadership, organizational strategies, and top management team. Thus, for the effectiveness and in order to get the advantages cognitively regarding positive performance management emotions and attitude of the employees are focused (BARRICK, THURGOOD, SMITH, & COURTRIGHT, 2015, p.111-113).
The major analysis of the firm’s strategy is done in the article, as through the collective organizational engagement there could be the effectiveness bought in these three organizational resources. The firm performance could be focused on the employees were given proper attention and the strategic implementation can be focused properly. Therefore, the articles said that employee engagement can result in the high and the effective organizational-level engagement, moreover, the deep organization level of analysis gave the positive results that collective organizational engagement can be the useful factor (BARRICK, THURGOOD, SMITH, & COURTRIGHT, 2015, p.115-116).
Another article focuses on the greater emphasis on the performance management systems that in order to achieve the high-performance status from the employees there is need to increase the performance increments through the performance. The companies are promoting the employee engagement through the foster services that are given to them; it is necessary to form the organization to manage employee engagement so that the company performs better in the company. To achieve the higher levels of job performance there is need to focus on the organizational practices (Gruman & Saks, 2011, p.123-124).
Managing human capital should be the top priority of the managers so that there could be the enhancement in the employee’s satisfaction level, if the employees are satisfied they can work hard and as employee satisfaction surveys could be helpful in this way. The employees need to refocus attention on the different employees that they are focusing on the engagement or not. Thus, the companies are using the conceptually-grounded approach so that strategic human resources management are not showing the powerful performance patterns activities then the HR activities or the values can be managed (Gruman & Saks, 2011, p.127-130).
In both the articles, there is focus on the motivational factors that how the employees can be motivated for the outcomes as better aspects of performance management system are undertaken. In the article, there is the influence on the employees and the management needs to execute the suitable performance so that the organizational practices can give the positive result and better outcomes, thus, regarding positive performance management the employees need to be give training so that they could get passion. Moreover, various influential strategies can be implemented.
In the article, there is focus on the dominant individual-level that how each employee is behaving in the organization; the major focus of the article is to identifying or investigating employee engagement that employee’s engagement focuses on the collective participation and the collective organizational engagement. Moreover, the HRM practices need to focus on the transformational leadership; the top managers or the leaders need to implement the leadership that focuses on the transformational leadership, so that effectiveness could be there in the operation and employees could be supported according to different condition, through motivating work design the strategic objectives can be obtained (BARRICK, THURGOOD, SMITH, & COURTRIGHT, 2015, p.121-122).
For the effective performance management in the organization, the organizational members need to be focused on the leadership skills, so that there could be motivation-enhancing resources and the employees become able to focus on the firm’s objectives through focusing on the objectives regarding financial performance. The motivational capability is another aspect that can bring the effectiveness in the organizational tasks example, employees can be given rewards and incentives, is the organization recognize the values to collective the employees traits for the organizational engagement by providing them the suitable environment (BARRICK, THURGOOD, SMITH, & COURTRIGHT, 2015, p.124-125).
To focus on the performance management, the supervisor of the company need to focus on the effective performance especially by the employees, because an employee can perform effectively and there could be the positive result. However, it is effective for supervisors to managing performance based on the model of enhanced performance as given in the article; there is focus on the engagement management process that to handle the employees effectively is the traditional approach and the engagement agreement should be based on the effectiveness so that the employee’s interests could be developed, thus, the managers and supervisors need to understand the values and objectives.
Supervisors can perform coaches and provide the useful support and resources to the employees for the engagement facilitation and the opportunities that need to assess in the future, moreover, the employee performance should be effective because the training can be provided on the employee engagement. For the effectivity of the employees, the performance appraisal system and the feedback process need to be carried out timely or after few months so that the aspects of enhancing job performance could be known and there could be attention on the performance management.
If the company wants to sustain the high levels of employee engagement then there is need to carry out the performance management process effectively because through employee engagement there can be an identification of the of the employees, levels of psychological engagement and the other engagement management model that are provided in the articles as an interactive effects. For the employee job satisfaction and in order to achieve a competitive position in the market, the company needs to focus on the performance management of the employees (Gruman & Saks, 2011, p.132-133).
- Gruman, J. A., & Saks, A. M. (2011). Performance management and employee engagement. Human Resource Management Review , 21, 123–136.