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Cloud Computing Reflection Paper

Cloud Computing For Businesses

The Fruitfulness Of Your Observed Knowledge

The reflection journal explains the summary of your experiences that you collected from the learning of anything that is assigned to you by your professors. Learning of new things make minds very much creative and allows you to understand and explore new things about the topic you are going to make the learning of that. Learning for the students is very much an important term that makes them efficient and confident enough that they can learn and explore new things for the purpose of increasing his knowledge.  Cloud computing is the latest technology used by the businesses for increasing the efficiency of the business of the persons.

Cloud computing is the most reliable feature of technology to be used in the businesses. It saves cost when implemented in the organization and it explores many of the unique and different approaches and ideas in terms of making the businesses more successful. They guarantee of making the business more explosive and more successful in future ahead. Cloud computing enables many of the unique methods and ideas that support the business too much in getting success.

Cloud Computing Reflection Paper

There are also the disadvantages of cloud computing in businesses that sometimes losses the efficiency of the business. The system manages too much data at the spot that it may over lammed and may disturb the whole function of the system due to the overburden. Although this system is very secure it has some of the risk factors that sometimes losses the security factor in it. They have a limited control over their system because they have to be operated under the instructions that have assigned to him in terms of making it more secure and more reliable as a must.

Outcome Of Learning

My learning about the cloud computing provides me very much information as they increased my knowledge about the right use of cloud computing system in the businesses. I have learned the techniques with which cloud computing system in fixed or implemented in the organizations. The most important thing is that the cloud computing has a large capacity for storage in its system that it can be used to save a bulk of data in its system.

It allows you to communicate with each other in a quick way that it can collect all the people into a loop and allow them to send the communication link instead of sending them a written message. However, it requires internet connections and it also charged more from those organizations that can get access to their bandwidth. The original document can be replaced if they are tried to change their location than you must copy/paste your document instead of dragging it from the stem to your personal PC.

The Ambition Of Learning Process

The best learning method is that which had an ambition as its purpose of learning that thing. The ambitions always make the lives of people on a straight path and they can walk straight on the road of their targeted goals. Cloud computing is making the lives of businesspersons very important and bust as well. I learned that when we use the cloud computing strategy in our business we first have to spend a big amount of budget for the company and as well as.

We have to arrange a big setup for the implementation or fixation of the cloud computing in our business. Cloud computing explores many ways for the businesses in order to grow business well and in terms of achieving consistent success in the future of the business among the competitors working in the market.

The Result Of Learning

I have experienced a great topic for learning that is cloud computing. Cloud computing is making the lives of businesses long-lasting and successful as well. The result of my learning is that I have decided to do a business in near future in which I will implement this Cloud Computing System. This system is no doubt very costly but once it is implemented in the business then it will be able to get success in the market among other competitors.

The one thing which is very important is the use of it in the business. It cannot be operated with any simple person. It needs experts to operate it properly and maintain its working as well. The experts and the trainers are needed to be hired by the organization that costs separately high. But once it starts working then it will come into a flow and keeps growing successfully.

My Observations

I have observed in this work that the companies that have implemented the cloud computing system is a very good system in terms of achieving a high rate of success for the people working in the business. The people attached to this system will be able to learn many new and innovative things about the technologies that they cannot be able to, maintain the level of low efficiency. The level of the business becomes high and it targets its competitors well. My observations lead me towards the positivity of this system and this system will provide the best opportunities in future.

My Future Thoughts

I have decided to accept this system in my business as cloud computing has too many advantages and they are going to manage the working of the businesses well. Whatever the type of business is, cloud computing takes that business at a height of success. The success of the business depends totally on the efficiency of the cloud computing systems as well as they are going to manage the overall working of the system with a great performance as a must.

The more businesses have the system of cloud computing the better they can move towards the implementation of the use of It department as well. I suggest to myself that in my internet business I must implement it well and wait for the success that will come after its implementation.


Summing up all the points we can say that cloud computing is the most unique and improved technology introduced until. This technology is although very costly but it makes the efficiency of the system well. The businesses that are equipped with the latest technology of the cloud computing are very much innovative and unique and get achieve their targets efficiently in the businesses as a must. The main thing is that the services they are providing to the people whether they can achieve actual success from that or whether they can be able to get the actual success of the organization.

The businesses are the most important factors that need to be done in order to implement correct strategies in the business. The businesses can achieve success only if they maintain their working efficiency well and if they make the working atmosphere comfortable for the workers. The cloud computing technology manages all the system well and itself. The system run under the cloud computing is efficient enough that it has the facility to manage the efficiency of working at a height of great place. The most important thing is that this technology is making the introducing of new technologies well and it results best as an outcome.

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