Cadillac Model
The cadillac company created cadillac models cars, which were very attractive, and eye catching to the customers. It has latest styling and advance features in it. It, s color schemes are also very good and attractive. These cars are a revolution in luxury market in all over the world. Its price ranges are mostly not very expensive and are affordable to middle class people as well. It range name are the (ATS, CTS AND the CT6).
The price ranges of ATS are $36490 and of ATS-V is $62590. The price of CT6 is $55090; price of CTS is $47490; price of CTS-V is $87,490. The price of Escalade ESV is $ 75990. They also had a range of mid-size XT5 and whose bit of guard is present in the truck based Escalades and XTS (, 2016).
The XTS price ranges to $47390 and the price of XT5 is $41,590 only. The company promotes it,s brand through electronic media as now a days it’s the most promising and easy way to advertise your product all over the world. Social media has access to every person living across the world 24 hours a day. We can promote our product anytime we want or in any way also like by making advertisement, by making picture message, by uploading a video etc.
The company also make attractive advertisements of their can which attracts customers and creates the wish in them to buy it as soon as possible. (, 2013)
- (2013, Novemebr 11). New Cadillac marketing chief plots global premium brand positioning. Retrieved from
- com. (2016, May 19). Cadillac’s New Marketing Strategy Focuses On “Un-selling. Retrieved from