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Attention and Consciousness – Unlearning Through Hypnosis

Dr. Amir Raz is a brain researcher, and his curiosity led him to the detection of the understanding relating to the possibilities of humans unlearning behavior through hypnosis. A review into his experiment and research shows that hypnosis can be possible through learned behaviors. Dr. Raz’s research can be further extended with the use of scientific method with respect to smoking behavior. As well as, a proof based on the use of the hypnosis to the real world situation.

Attention and Consciousness – Unlearning Through HypnosisHypnosis had existed for a very long time and has its base in medicine and entertainment, and it is also receiving some great remarks from neuroscientists. Studies of the brain have recently shown that those susceptible to suggestion point that fact when their brains demonstrate profound changes in the processing of information. The reports from researchers literally pose as a change to what is seen, heard, felt, and believed by people. (Blakeslee, 2005)

Purpose of this Study

Raz’s study was designed to experiment whether hypnosis can cause a change in automatic mental processes, like reading. (Love, 2013) The understanding of reading is that the moment it is learned, it becomes automatic. Raz’s insight through hypnotic suggestion shows that in the actual sense, learned skills can be unlearned. This suggestion based on hypnosis can make the people view words in different colors, and their brains process the colors as it’s shown. This study majorly expresses the compelling evidence that there are indications humans can unlearn any related automatic process, and

This study majorly expresses the compelling evidence that there are indications humans can unlearn any related automatic process, and hypnotic suggestion is seen as a great tool for the research on the brain. In a general knowledge, this study is concentrated on the Stroop Test – a term relating to attentional research which is based on asking people to basically name the ink color printed by a word. According to Dr. Amir Raz, many studies have proven that Stroop interference is complex to overcome when under conventional conditions, considering the fact that reading is very ingrained. (“Cornell University, 2005”) While in a more realistic sense, the Stroop effect is the extreme difficulty of people naming in colors for the mismatching of color words. The effect is an eliminated one if those affected try to ignore the content of the words being read. (Love, 2013)

Its Application to the Real World  

This is applicable to real life situation considering those who are hypnotized. Many people in this category find it very difficult to match words with pictures. For example, a sight of seeing the letters g-r-e-e-n will immediately depict the true meanings of green. The large amounts of hypnotized people have increased over time. According to researches, about 10 to 15 percent of adults are hypnotizable on a high level, and experiments have also shown that hypnotized people saw colors where there were no colors. (“Blakeslee, 2005”) While many other hypnotized people have lost the ability to make fundamental decisions. Many people could consider the general English words as gibberish. (“Blakeslee, 2005”)

Another application of this study is the effect it has on the manipulation it poses to people’s mental levels. The design in the manipulation of tasks without addressing participants, but manipulating the participant involved, with or without a suggestion is a realistic replication into a real life situation. (“Cornell University, 2005”)

The Research Question

How can hypnosis change the thoughts of a man to be able to help him reason faster than his prior speed of reasoning?

The speed of reasoning fast can be tested through the use of abstract reasoning techniques, and how words can be manipulated to scrutinize the minds to obtain the right understanding of what should be obtained. This is not a learned process that can be difficult to achieve, but hypnotic approaches can be used to obtain this outcome – a state of trance to help the mental state become modified and changed to the reality of such minds. This can also be achieved through suggestions to related emotions or improvement of behavior and it is surrounded by the health f the mind. It is a result of medical processes that can be used to help the mind think faster.

Applying the Scientific Method to the Hypothesis
  • Applying the approaches of changing the mind using hypnosis for a speed of reasoning start from the unconsciousness of the mind.
  • Observing a person’s behavior and capabilities can help to figure out where to tackle the speed of the individual.
  • Asking questions on the level of reasoning of the person would help to ascertain the level of a person’s reasoning.
  • Reasonable predictions can help to figure out a solution to proffer for the deterrent speed.
Works Cited:
  • Blakeslee, S. (2005). This Is Your Brain Under Hypnosis. Retrieved December 8, 2015, from https://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/22/science/this-is-your-brain-under-hypnosis.html?_r=0
  • Love, J. (2013). Can Reading Be Unlearned? Retrieved December 8, 2015, from https://theamericanscholar.org/can-reading-be-unlearned/#.VmY8fflcV8o
  • Hypnotic suggestion can reduce conflict in human brain | Cornell Chronicle. (2005). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from https://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2005/08/hypnotic-suggestion-can-reduce-conflict-human-brain


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