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International and Non-International Armed Conflict

To what extent the definition of an international armed conflict and the definition of a non-international armed conflict as provided in treaty law and jurisprudence can facilitate the application of international humanitarian law?


International humanitarian law is defined as a set of rules seeking humanitarian reasons to decrease armed conflict (Solis, 2016). It is also known as the law of armed conflict or the law of war. There are two types of armed conflicts distinguished by international humanitarian law: non-international armed conflict and the international armed conflict. International armed conflict is an armed conflict between two or more states. It is an armed conflict opposing two or more states. A non-international armed conflict refers to a conflict between the non-governmental armed groups and non-governmental forces or between groups only (Sassoli and Olson, 2008). In this essay, I will look at the extent to which the application of humanitarian law can be facilitated by the international armed conflict and the non-international armed conflict as provided in treaty law and jurisprudence. Because international Humanitarian Law has two branches, the law of Geneva and Hague’s law, I will base my definitions at the law on Geneva, which is the body of rules protecting armed conflict victims.

International and Non-International Armed Conflict

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