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Analysis of the Practicality of Various Approaches in the Education System


An effective educational system is based on a strong curriculum approach and the learning environment. The curriculum is a well-organized system of intentions, planned activities, temporal environment, physical environment, and psychosocial environment to enhance learning and holistic development of a child through guidance and support of teacher by providing opportunities and communication between parents and teacher. The teacher must be well trained to manage a conducive learning environment based on children’s holistic development. The teacher must be acknowledged of district language and culture to give them a compatible environment at school like their homes which will help the teacher to create a strong bonding with students.

Holistic curriculum approaches that support emotional maturity, social competences, cognition, language development, and physical well-being are best in early childhood programs (Miller and Almon, 2009; Shonkoff and Phillips, 2000, Sylva et al., 2009). Children benefit from a planned curriculum; having specific goals for children’s learning guides decisions about what to include in the environment and embed in children’s experiences (Ginsburg, Lee, and Boyd, 2008).

I believe that a pre-primary school must be child-centred under the supervision of well-trained teachers.

My mission is to enhance the quality of education in primary school by providing a child-centred and stress-free learning environment where they can learn by doing.

approaches in the education system



Basically in government schools of Pakistan these days teacher are only focused on completing the syllabus, just teaching the children of pre-primary classes how to write and remember what is written in their copies which are not enough for their holistic development. “Teachers that use the Bank Street approach are aware of the whole child, their engagement with the world and their interests. This can lead to meaningful learning,” says Johnson, which is a child-centred education program in this method teachers are focused on providing students active educational opportunities in areas that develop cognitive, physical, and social-emotional growth.

  • Aims & Objectives
  • Inclusive analysis
  • Selection of Content
  • Teaching strategies or Pedagogies.
  • Technology
  • Evaluation or Assessment.

The classroom should have learning corners such as science, arts, math, and pretend play by giving such environment to students where they can choose what they want to play, physical activities hands-on learning will empower the students and by letting students choose at their own with planned activities will enhance their decision making power by the help of teacher’s student improves their holistic development. If it’s not challenging, it doesn’t worth it. A teacher should create an inquisitive environment in the classroom by asking open-ended questions, teaching them how to ask questions (e.g. how, why what, what if), ask them to think aloud, notice when a student feels confused, and appreciate their curiosity.

The educator should encourage the student to become socialize well-disciplined, wait for the turn, kind, avoid bullying and help others. The curriculum must be very engaging, and the teacher must be trained to engage and maintain the relationship between teacher and student in this way, it becomes easier to move them on the right track. Teachers should be very cooperative and friendly to the child, encouraging development, problem-solving tactics, and conflict-resolution skills through hands-on learning.

The teacher must be aware of the district language and different cultural identities. Students’ cultural contexts should incorporate into teaching and learning programs. Teachers should provide practical opportunities to all students to be proud to share their languages and cultures through group activities, at special events, and school festivals celebration. All students should be aware of different cultures and languages through contexts and group activities. The students should feel culturally safe to speak or to stay in the school vicinity without being judged. Every student should be treated equally is their right.

The achievement of all approaches is based on trained teachers and staff. The trained teacher must receive specialized training in early childhood education, must be a participant in professional developmental programs. The teacher has to respect the culture and linguistic diversity of children. Develop developmentally appropriate activities. The teacher has to observe and assess the progress of children.

Integrated Co-curricular Activities and Approaches:

The above strategies have been successful to a considerable extent considering the extreme conservatism, poverty and lack of economic opportunities, restrictions on the mobility of girls and old tribal and social customs in the area. Such factors continue to hold a tight rein on any positive social change at a larger scale. These activities include:

  • Celebration of National days
  • Celebration of Annual Sport day
  • Students Exposure visit
  • Parents Day/Annual Result Distribution
  • Summer / Winter Camps for enhancing student’s enrollment, activity-based learning and life skills development

Positive Outcomes:

  • Aims and objectives of the curriculum approaches will be achieved, such as the future development of the child with holistic development.
  • Effective implementation of Teaching and learning strategies by making classroom management.
  • Will improve the Inclusion of the different communities & accept the diversity of society.
  • Technology integration and strengthening
  • Well trained teachers will be produced.
  • All five senses will be alert by technical approaches & strategies.
  • Students will enjoy the intellectual learning environment and increase their curiosity and questioning skills.
  • The students will improve the courage to work with new ideas and technology.
  • The psychological and emotional development will enhance the confidence of the students and teachers.
  • A strong foundation will build the pillars of learnings by the systematic approaches.


I want to conclude the analysis that establishes the strong and robust knowledge of the curriculum approaches, during this analysis I have studied and search different under mentioned sites to complete the research and reasoning of the practical approaches of the curriculum since the development of the teaching and learning system. The approaches must be based on the activity-based and practical learning which enhance the multiple intelligence such as verbal intelligence, languages, visual, audio, reading, physical and kinesthetic. Additionally, for this purpose, a school must organize the co-curricular activities as well as exhibitions, sports gala, science projects, competitions, summer and winter camp. This will also maintain the retention rate of the students, along with attendance. There is also a door of the improvement remains open.

By following the National Curriculum of Pakistan, the academic year syllabus will have divided into two terms. Further divided month wise so teachers’ can achieve their academic targets with the support of their respective teacher’s training and defined system.


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