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Apple iPhone Marketing Plan

•Situational Analysis •SWOT Analysis •Marketing Objectives •Marketing Strategy •Implementation •Budget •Control

Apple iphone Situational Analysis

  • Political Situation

Taxation is something that governments put and Apple should be study this as country by country case to anticipateApple iPhone Marketing Plan profitability, and pricing strategy.

Importing laws in the world with GATT are in favor of trading.

Countries are very variable in stability of, so we should study each country case by case.

  • Economical Situation

Economical growth worldwide is in a big recession which needs careful manipulation

Potentiality of the market is decreasing but it is higher than any others in the Telecom sector.

  • Socio-Cultural Situation

Population growth leading to expansion of the sector needs for cell phones.

People depend more and more on mobile communication everywhere.

There is educational growth in the world.

Culture’s perception of the technological devices is positive worldwide.

Literacy & illiteracy level is not affecting using cell phones but affecting high technological cell phones, this fact needs to be considered.

Acceptances of imported products in some countries are less if there is local provider

There are different social views that may affect product should be considered (e.g; Boycotting American products in the Islamic world)

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1 comment

Bahizi Godfrey March 16, 2023 - 5:18 am

it is helpful to me thank you


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