
Statistics in agriculture are of great importance in a variety of areas; one of the most important of these is to ascertain the volume of crop that needs to be produced, based on the output and demand of the previous year. The quality of crops is also important when it comes to statistics, as the better crops will obviously have a larger market, so the fact that some crops are better than others enables agriculturists to focus on these crops.

Improvement in Production

Improvement in production is another factor that can be taken into account, as the cheaper it is to produce a quality product, the higher the margin of profit will be. In the United States, the National Agricultural Statistics Service is in charge of monitoring the statistics. The service looks at a number of different areas in regard to agriculture including:

  • Facilities for livestock
  • Facilities for dairy
  • Crops
  • The use of fertilizers and pesticides

Education of People

The service is also committed to educating the relevant people by producing regular publications which provide not only statistics but also useful information on regulations and new programs that are being introduced. MASS takes on board what their stakeholders have to say and follow these recommendations, so their role is not only about producing statistics for the agricultural markets, but also assisting in producing a higher quality of products.

Improved crop out put

It also furnishes information about the different operations and the different methods which can be adopted for improving the crop output.

Effectiveness Regarding to Livestock

The quality and the number of livestock are also covered when analyzing the statistics of agriculture, and the same principles apply. The demand and previous year’s output should be taken into account and the statistics are the most effective way to monitor these factors.

Role in Agriculture industry

Agriculture statistics in the countries dominated by agriculture imply that Agriculture industry contributes approximately 24% of the GDP or Gross Domestic Products. It helps us to compare the different yields of crops, quality check of crops compared to the quality of crops produced in other parts. It furnishes a rough outline of the incidence of various operations with regard to the Agriculture industry.

Improved Varieties

Statistics are used in the scientific study of agriculture as a tool to determine if the differences in variables are real or due to chance. This translates to the farmer to let him know with confidence which varieties are better.

Role in Country Economy

In some countries, Agriculture Industry makes up the major segment of economy. The entire population of that country in some way or the other depends on Agriculture. Agriculture Statistics in such countries also provide information about the employment it provides to the innumerable individuals.

Data Management

Agricultural Statistics covers Rainfall Statistics, Area Statistics comprising the data on Land Use, Area & Production and Yield Statistics of various crops produced in the state.

They also provide data to be evaluated by government when they are planning.

Agriculture Statistics is of prime importance as far as the Agriculture Industry is concerned. Agriculture Statistics ascertain the crop production, crop yield, qualities of the crops produced.

  • Predict crop yield
  • Determine, then choose higher yieldingseed (by random sampling of crops

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