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7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

7 Habits of highly Effective People Summary is a complete project on 7 Habits and can also be used in training sessions as it also includes group activities and complete two hours session plan.

Auto-Biography of Stephen R. Covey

Dr Stephen R Covey was born in 1932. He lives with his wife, Sandra, and their family in Utah; in the Rocky Mountains. Covey achieved international acclaim, and is perhaps best known, for his self-help book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People summary. Which was first published by Simon & Schuster in 1989 and has sold around 12 million copies word-wide.

Covey has a Harvard MBA and has spent most of his career at Brigham Young University, where he was professor of organizational behavior and business management. In addition to his MBA, he also has a doctorate which he completed whilst at Brigham Young University. Dr. Stephen R Covey has received the Thomas More College Medallion for continuing service to humanity and has additionally been awarded four honorary doctorate degrees.

Stephen is also a co-founder of the Franklin-Covey organization, which specializes in the application of Covey’s principle-centered approach to leadership and management. He is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of time-management. Thousands of organizations across the world, including many of the Fortune 500 companies, have adopted his innovative techniques on leadership, teamwork, and customer-focused service.




We are submitting our work effort to our respected teacher, Who helped us all the way to complete this project,

And not only to complete it, But also made us to realize to the effectiveness of a good trainer, And how a trainer can play his role to improve the over all working environment of the and eventually the Productive out-put for the organization.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary Over View

First published in 1989, is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. It has sold over 15 million copies in 38 languages since first publication, which was marked by the release of a 15th anniversary edition in 2004. The book lists seven principles that, if established as habits, are supposed to help a person achieve true interdependent effectiveness.

To provide a framework whereupon to build the 7 Habits, Covey begins his work introducing the dichotomy between what he calls the character ethic and the personality ethic. Covey’s first three Habits constitute what he refers to as the “Private Victory”. Before you can effectively manage and work with others, you must first learn to effectively manage yourself. This is the natural result of learning to integrate Habits 1 through 3 into your life.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People SummaryHaving achieved the “private victory” with Habits 1 – 3, you now has the foundation necessary to move on to the more difficult “public victory”. The public victory happens when you learn to integrate Habits 4 – 6 into your life: Think Win/Win; Seek First to Understand, then be Understood; and Synergy. This is the habit of self-renewal and encompasses and supports all other habits. Just as any tool requires regular maintenance in order to function at its peak, you — the saw — require regular renewal or “sharpening” to remain most effective.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

Habit 1: Be Proactive – Personal Vision

One of the main things that separate us from the animals is the ability to consciously rem7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summaryove ourselves from our thoughts and observe our actions from a third-person perspective. This ability allows us to interrupt what many refer to as “instinct” or a conditioned response. Instinct is what causes us to respond to certain stimuli in the way that we do. For example, animals when confronted with a stimulus have a distinct response based upon their instincts. Humans, on the other hand, have the ability to stand apart from a stimulus, creating a gap between the two – effectively allowing one to decide how to respond. This is the definition of being proactive.

Proactive also means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. There are three central values in life: the experiential (that which happens to us), the creative (that which we bring into existence), and the attitudinal (our response to difficult circumstances). What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life. Proactive is grounded in facing reality but also understanding we have the power to choose a positive response to our circumstances.

Proactive modelWe need to understand how we focus our time and energy to be effective. The things we are concerned about could be described as our “Circle of Concern”. There are things we can really do something about, that can be described as our “Circle of Influence”. When we focus our time and energy in our Circle of Concern, but outside our Circle of Influence, we are not being effective. However, we find that being proactive helps us to expand our Circle of Influence.

Circle of Concern

The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. Success is the far side of failure. At the heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and Promises. Our integrity in keeping commitments and the ability to make commitments are the clearest manifestations of being “proactive.”

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

Reactive people focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern, over things they can’t control. Their negative energy causes their Circle of Influence to shrink. Sometimes we make choices with negative consequences, called mistakes. We can’t recall or undo past mistakes.

Without first integrating this habit into your life, none of the other six will be possible. Being proactive is really the beginning of empowerment.


Theme: I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices.

(Think for the best, plan for the worst)

Move the wall.

  1. We will call four or five trainees.
  2. Then we will explain them that you have to push the wall today.
  3. We will motivate them that you can do this.
  4. Finally after trying a lot those trainees couldn’t succeed.
  5. Then we will explain them that for pro-activeness it’s compulsory to have positive direction in your self. If you are utilizing your energy in on negative side then that is not actually your being pro-active, you have to achieve your goals by the ways that can really happen.


  • Four people are required to move other have to observe either wall is moving or not.
  • They have to move the wall with the physical effort except kicking.
  • You can use your head also but no legs.

Note: No damage is allowed.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind – Personal Leadership

When we begin with the end in mind, we have a personal direction to guide our daily activities, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summarywithout which we will accomplish little toward our own goals. Beginning with the end in mind is part of the process of personal leadership, taking control of our own lives. All things are created twice. We create them first in our minds, and then we work to bring them into physical existence. By taking control of our own first creation, we can write or re-write our own scripts, thus taking some control and responsibility for the outcome. We write or re-write our scripts using our imagination and conscience.

There are three major aspects of our personal and business management. First is leadership – what do I/we want to accomplish? Second is management – how can I best accomplish it? Third is productivity – doing it. According to Peter Drucker and Warren Bennie, “Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things.”

A starting point in beginning with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement, philosophy or credo. It will help you focus on what you want to be (character), do (contributions and achievements) and on the values and principles upon which your being and doing are based. The personal mission statement gives us a changeless core from which we can deal with external change. Viktor Frankel developed a philosophy called “Logo therapy”. Logo therapy helps an individual detect his unique meaning or mission in life by reexamining his personal vision and values to assure they are based on principles and reality.

We must reexamine the center of our life. Our center is the source of our security, guidance, wisdom and power. Making people or things outside ourselves important places us at the mercy of mood swings, inconsistent behavior and uncontrollable changes of fortune. Being self-centered is too limiting – people develop poor mental health in isolation. By centering our lives on correct principles, we create a stable, solid foundation for the development of our life support factors and embrace and encompass the truly important areas of our lives. Successful relationships, achievement and financial security will radiate from the principle center. The principles we base our lives on should be deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, or generic common denominators. They will become tightly interwoven themes running with exactness, consistency, beauty and strength through the fabric of our lives.

In developing your personal mission statement, you can use your creative ability to imagine life milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirement and funerals. What accomplishments would you like to celebrate? Visualize them in rich detail. You can make your mission statement balanced and easier to work with by breaking it down into the specific role areas of your life and the goals you want to accomplish in each area. If you find your actions aren’t congruent with your mission statement, you can create affirmations to improve. An affirmation should have five ingredients: it should be personal, positive, present tense, visual and emotional. You can also use visualization techniques.

Affirmation and visualization are both self programming techniques that should be used in harmony with correct principles. Mission statements can also be made for families, service groups and organizations of all kinds. A family mission statement is an expression of its true foundation, its shared vision and values. Organizational mission statements should be developed by everyone in the organization. If there is no involvement in the process, there will be no commitment to the statement. The reward system must compliment and strengthen the stated value systems.

An organization may have an all-encompassing mission statement, and each location, or even each team, may have their own. However, they should all dovetail with each other. If the mission statements of your family and organization dovetail with your personal mission statement, and you use those statements to keep your end in mind, you will accomplish your goals more quickly and easily.


Theme: Define your mission and goals in life


1: Write something on the white board in Chinese language:7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

We write something on the white board in Chinese language and asked someone from the group to read than he first not understand the language so he can’t read it than the concept is clear that begin his mind the language is Chinese so can’t solve the meanings of the words.


Violation of rules:Violation of rules

It’s clear in our mind if we do violation of rule that we pay more money or sometime vehicle block or some time life gone. So it is always in our mind if we violate the rule something wrong with us.

Training Sessions:Training Sessions

In all training session we know about training session we go there to teach something so it’s always in our mind that we go to training center we get something which gave us benefits through all life

Habit 3: Put First Things First – Principles of Personal Management7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

Habit 3 is Personal Management, the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission. The fourth human endowment, Independent Will, is the ability to make decisions and choices and act upon them. Integrity is our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves. Management involves developing the specific application of the ideas. We should lead from the right brain (creatively) and manage from the left brain (analytically).

In order to subordinate your feelings, impulses and moods to your values, you must have a burning “YES!” inside, making it possible to say “No” to other things. The “Yes” is our purpose, passion, clear sense of direction and value. Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages:

  1. Notes and checklists – recognizing multiple demands on our time;
  2. Calendars and appointment books – scheduling events and activities;
  3. Prioritizing, clarifying values – integrating our daily planning with goal setting (The downside of this approach is increasing efficiency can reduce the spontaneity and relationships of life.).
  4. Managing ourselves rather than managing time – focusing in preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results, thus maintaining the P/PC balance (production versus building production capacity).

A matrix can be made of the characteristics of activities, classifying them as urgent or not urgent, important or not important. List the activities screaming for action as “Urgent.” List the activities contributing to your mission, value or high-priority goals as “Important.”

important or not importantQuadrant I activities are urgent and important – called problems or crises. Focusing on Quadrant I results in it getting bigger and bigger until it dominates you. Quadrant III activities are urgent and not important, and often mis-classified as Quadrant I. Quadrant IV is the escape Quadrant – activities that are not urgent and not important. Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV because they aren’t important. They shrink Quadrant I down to size by spending more time in Quadrant II. Quadrant II activities are important, but not urgent. Working on this Quadrant is the heart of personal time management.

These are PC activities. Quadrant II activities are high impact – activities that when done regularly would make a tremendous difference in your life. (Include implementing the Seven Habits.) Initially, the time for Quadrant II activities must come from Quadrants III and IV. Quadrant I can’t be ignored, but should eventually shrink with attention to Quadrant II.

1) Prioritize

2) Organize Around Priorities

3) Discipline yourself

Self discipline isn’t enough. Without a principle center and a personal mission statement we don’t have the necessary foundation to sustain our efforts. Covey has developed a Quadrant II organizer meeting six criteria:

  1. Coherence – integrates roles, goals, and priorities.
  2. Balance – keeps various roles before you so they’re not neglected.
  3. Quadrant II Focus – Weekly – the key is not to prioritize what’s in your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
  4. A People Dimension – think of efficiency when dealing with things, but effectiveness when dealing with people. The first person to consider in terms of effectiveness is you. Schedules are subordinated to people.
  5. Flexibility – the organizer is your servant, not your master
  6. Portability

There are four key activities in Quadrant II organizing, focusing on what you want to accomplish for the next 7 days:

1)  Identify Roles

2) Select Goals – two or three items to accomplish for each role for the next week,
including some of your longer term goals and personal mission statement

3) Scheduling/Delegating – including the freedom and flexibility to handle unanticipated
events and the ability to be spontaneous

4) Daily Adapting – each day respond to unanticipated events, relationships and experiences in a meaningful way.

Here are five advantages of this organizer:

1) Its principle-centered – it enables you to see your time in the context of what’s
important and what’s effective.

2) Its conscience directed – it enables you to organize your life around your deepest

3) It defines your unique mission, including values and long-term goals. 4) It helps you
balance your life by identifying roles.

5) It gives greater perspective through weekly organizing.

The practical thread is a primary focus on relationships and a secondary focus on time, because people are more important than things.

The second critical skill for personal management is delegation. Effectively delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful high-leverage activity there is. Delegation enables you to devote your energies to high level activities in addition to enabling personal growth for individuals and organizations. Using delegation enables the manager to leverage the results of their efforts as compared to functioning as a “producer.” There are two types of delegation: Gofer Delegation and Supervision of Efforts (Stewardship). Using Gofer Delegation requires dictating not only what to do, but how to do it. The supervisor then must function as a “boss,” micromanaging the progress of the “subordinate.” The supervisor thus loses a lot of the leveraging benefits of delegation because of the demands on his time for follow up. An adversarial relationship may also develop between the supervisors and subordinate.

More effective managers use Stewardship Delegation, which focuses on results instead of methods. People are able to choose the method to achieve the results. It takes more time up front, but has greater benefits. Stewardship Delegation depends on trust, but it takes time and patience. The people may need training and development to acquire the competence to rise to the level of that trust. Stewardship Delegation requires a clear, up-front mutual understanding of and commitment to expectations in five areas:

  1. Desired Results – Have the person see it, describe it, make a quality statement of what the results will look like and by when they will be accomplished.
  2. Guidelines – Identify the parameters within which the individual should operate, and what potential “failure paths” might be. Keep the responsibility for results with the person delegated to.
  3. Resources – Identify the resources available to accomplish the required results.
  4. Accountability – Set standards of performance to be used in evaluating the results and specific times when reporting and evaluation will take place.
  5. Consequences – Specify what will happen as a result of the evaluation, including psychic or financial rewards and penalties.

Using Stewardship Delegation, we are developing a goose (to produce golden eggs) based on internal commitment. We must avoid Gofer Delegation to get the golden egg or we kill the goose – the worker reverts to the gofer’s credo: “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

This approach is a new paradigm of delegation. The steward becomes his own boss governed by his own conscience, including the commitment to agreed-upon desired results. It also releases his creative energies toward doing whatever is necessary in harmony with correct principles to achieve those desired results. Immature people can handle fewer results and need more guidelines and more accountability interviews. Mature people can handle more challenging desired results with fewer guidelines and accountability interviews.


Theme: Prioritize and do the most important thing first


Putt off the socks:7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

first we call some single person from a group and asked him to put off his socks when they put off their socks than he first putt off their shoes and then we asked him put off their socks why they put off his shoes first so we tell it’s a natural process that first things always first.

Take-out the SIM from cell:Take-out the SIM from cell

we call someone from a group and asked him to get the SIM from the phone and then he open the phone backside than the battery of the phone and then get the SIM but I asked him to get the SIM but he first do the others things like the backside open and then get the SIM so first work always first.

Make a knot of tie:Make a knot of tie

We call someone from the groups and asked him to make a knot of a tie so its first make the tie so first things always first.

Semester system:

The semester system always move in a sequence means always midterm comes first than the end term.7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary

Midterm comes first;

Midterm always come first not the end term.

Habit 4: Think Win / Win

If you can achieve the private victory through living Habits 1 – 3, you would have made Think Win / Winquite an accomplishment in personal effectiveness that not too many people reach. However, to reach quantum levels in effectiveness, you must learn to work with others. This is where the Habits 4-6 come into play. And Habit 4, thinking win/win, is just the beginning.

Thinking win/win requires quite a paradigm shift in thinking for many people. Because our culture’s basis is competition — which in its own right is not a bad thing — it often triggers a belief in the scarcity mindset. This belief that there just isn’t enough to go around can be extremely self limiting. Thinking win/win is the first step in understanding that someone doesn’t always have to lose in order for you to win. By having this as your dominant mindset, you are constantly seeking out opportunities for mutual benefit in your personal and professional lives.

Win/Win is one of six total philosophies of human interaction.

  1. Win/Win People can seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Principle based


  1. Win/Lose The competitive paradigm: if I win, you lose. The leadership style is
    authoritarian. In relationships, if both people aren’t winning, both are losing.
  2. Lose/Win the “Doormat” paradigm. The individual seeks strength from popularity
    based on acceptance. The leadership style is permissiveness.
  3. Lose/Lose When people become obsessed with making the other person lose, even at
    their own expense.
  4. Win Focusing solely on getting what one wants, regardless of the needs of others.
  5. Win/Win or No Deal If we can’t find a mutually beneficial solution, we agree to
    disagree agreeably no deal. This approach is most realistic at the beginning of a
    business relationship or enterprise. In a continuing relationship, it’s no longer an option.

When relationships are paramount, Win/Win is the only viable alternative. In a competitive situation where building a relationship isn’t important, Win/Lose may be appropriate. There are five dimensions of the Win/Win model: Character, Relationships, Agreements, Supportive Systems and Processes.

Competition has its place against market competitors, last year’s performance, or another location or individual where cooperation and interdependence aren’t required, but cooperation in the workplace is as important to free enterprise as competition in the marketplace. The spirit of Win/Win cannot survive in an environment of competition or contests. All of the company’s systems should be based on the principle of Win/Win. The Compensation system of the managers should be based on the productivity and development of their people.

The Win/Win process has four steps:

  1. See the problem from the other point of view, in terms of the needs and concerns of the
    other party.
  2. Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.
  3. Determine what results would make a fully acceptable solution.
  4. Identify new options to achieve those results.

The more you practice this habit, the more committed you will become as you find solutions which truly do benefit both parties, where originally it looked as if no such agreement might be reached. Covey has amended the wording of this habit slightly in recent years to read: Think Win-Win or No Deal. This attitude works well because it liberates the individuals concerned from the effort of trying to persuade the opposite party to shift ground or compromise.


Theme: Have an “everyone can win” attitude

Activity # 1:

Name, thing and the Place

We give an Alphabet to all the groups separately to make with the

Alphabet a name, place and a thing. when one person of a group will done with this job he will raise his hand to tell that he has done it and now he may help to his other group members in completing the job when all the members of a group will done this job they will tell the trainer that they have finished it .if all the members have the different results with a same alphabet they would be checked and if correct they will be declared as a winner group(s)

The moral of this activity is that:

The group(s) who will  done with  this job he is in win-win situation because his one group member do the job first so he has win and now he is helping  his other group  members to complete this job so all the  members do this and it will create a win-win situation.

Activity # 2:

Role Play/Dealing between Purchase Manager and the Supplier of a Company:

Purchase Manager has to purchase the raw material for the finished goods of the company he bargains with the supplier for quantity and rates of the material following different situation will be held between them:

win –lose:

If purchased manager gets the required quantity at a reasonable rate from the supplier he will win and the supplier will lose it will create win lose situation.

Lose –win:

If purchased manager does not get the required quantity at a reasonable rate from the supplier he will lose and the supplier will win it will create a lose win situation


If both purchased manager and supplier are not able to communicate /bargain successfully for the required result and any transaction will not be held it will create lose-lose situation.

Win –win situation:

If purchase manager gets the required quantity at a reasonable rate from the supplier and a favorable deal takes place between them it will create a win-win situation.


Acquisition of Hajr-E-Aswad during the Re-construction of KHANA KABA.

Habit 5: Seek first to Understand Than to be UnderstoodSeek first to understand than to be understood

Seek first to understand or diagnose before you prescribe is a correct principle manifest in many areas of life. Its critical for the optometrist it’s critical for the physicians. You wouldn’t have any confidence in a prescription unless you had confidence in the diagnosis. A good engineer will understand the forces, the stresses at work before designing the bridge. A good teacher will assess the class before teaching. A good student will understand before he applies. Seek first to understand is a correct principle evident in all areas of life. It’s a generic, common denominator principle but it has its greatest power in the area of interpersonal relations.

Four Autobiographical Responses

  • Empathic listening:

It means listening with intent to understand it gets inside another. It gets inside another person frame of reference. You look out through it you see world the way they see the world. In this type of listening you listen with your eyes and with your heart. You listen for feelings motives and interpretation you were dealing with the reality inside another persons head and heart. You listen for behavior you use your right as well as you’re left. Else is so powerful because it guesses you accurate data to work with. it is also by to making deposit in emotional bank account. When u listen with empathy to another person you give that person psychological air and after that vital need is met then you can influencing or problem solving.

As according to communication experts estimate in fact that only 10% of our communication is represented by the words we say. Another 30% is represented by our sounds and 60% by our body language.

The skills, the tip of the iceberg of empathic listening, involve four developmental stages. The first and least effective is to mimic content. This is the skill taught in active or reflective listening. Without the character and relationship base it is often insulting to people and causes them to close up. It is however a first stage skill because it at least causes you to listen to what is said. Mimicking content is easy. You just listen to the words that come out of someone’s mouth and you repeat them you are hardly even using your brain at all. The second stage of emphatic listening is to rephrase the content. It is more effective but its skill limited to the verbal communication.

The third stage brings your right brain into operation. You reflect feelings. The fourth stage includes both the second and the third. You rephrase the content and reflect the feeling. At other times they really need additional perspective and help. The key is to genuinely seek the welfare of the individual, to listen with empathy, to let the person get to the problem and the solution at his own pace and time. Layer upon layer it is like peeling an onion until you get to the soft inner core. We have gone through the skills of empathic listening because skill is an important part of any habit.

  • Understanding and perception

If a person learns to listen deeply to other people, they will discover tremendous differences in perception. They will also begin to appreciate the impact that these differences can have as people try to work together in interdependent situations. Our perceptions can be vastly different and yet we both have lived with our paradigms for years, thinking they are facts and questioning the character or the mental competence of anyone who can’t see the facts.

  • Then seek to be understand

Seek first to understand then to be understood. Knowing how to be understood is the other half of habit 5 and is equally critical in reaching win/win solution. Earlier defined maturity as the balance between courage and consideration seeking to understand requires consideration seeking to be understood takes courage. When someone can present their own ideas clearly, specifically, visually and most important, contextually in the context of a deep understanding of their paradigms and concerns that something is significantly increasing the credibility of your ideas. Habit 5 lifts you to greater accuracy, greater integrity in your presentations and people know that they know you are presenting the ideas which you genuinely believe, and taking all knows facts and perceptions into considerations that will benefit everyone.

  • One on one

Habit 5 is powerful because it is right in the middle of your circle of influence. Many factors in interdependent situation are in your circle of concern problems, disagreements, circumstances, and other people behavior and if someone is focus your energies out there you deplete them with little positive results. Habit 5 is something you can practice right now. Seek first to understand before the problems come up, before you try to evaluate and prescribe, before you try to present your own ideas seek to understand. It’s a powerful habit of effective interdependence. They become the stepping stones to synergy.


Theme: Listen to people sincerely

Story (Concept 1)

The trainer will be telling a story, during the whole story he will be using the word “DON’T KNOW” on all those critical points to be told by him.

After the story he will ask the trainees what they actually understand by the story.

Now in the end he will again tell the whole same story but with filling those blanks in which he used the “don’t know” word.

Hence in the end concluding the topic as if one thing is not understand by any person how he can make others to understand.

Act (concept 2)

An act will be performed by the trainer. Showing that one should first seek to understand other rather to make them to understand him first.

Habit 6: Synergize

The exercise of all of the other habit prepare us for the habit of synergize. When properly Synergizeunderstand, synergy is the highest activity in all life. Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership and parenting. It catalyzes and unifies the greatest powers within people. All the habit we have covered prepares us to create the miracle of synergy. Simple defined it means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It means that the relationship which the parts have to each other is a part in and of itself. It is not only a part but the most catalytic empowering, unifying and the most exciting part. Synergy is everywhere in nature. If you plant two plants close together, the roots commingle and improve the quality of the soil so that both plants will grow better than if they were separated.

Synergistic communication

When you communicate synergistically you are simply opening your mind and heart and expressions to new possibilities, new alternatives, and new options. It is like that you are casting aside habit 2 that is to begin with the end in mind but in actual you are doing its opposite you are fulfilling it. Many people have not really experienced even a moderate degree of synergy in their family life or in other interactions. They have been trained and scripted into defensive and protective communications or into believing that life or other people can’t be trusted. As a result they are never really open to habit 6 and to these principles.

Synergy in the classroom

Synergy tests whether teachers and students are really open to the principle of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. There   are time when teachers and students were not sure that what is going to happen. In the beginning there is a safe environment that enables people to be really open and to learn and to listen to each others ideas. Then comes brainstorming where the spirit of evaluation is subordinated to the spirit of creativity, imaging and intellectual networking. Then absolutely unusual phenomena begin to take place. Synergy is almost as if a group collectively agrees to subordinate old scripts and to write a new one.


Theme: Work together to achieve more


An activity will be performed by the trainees in groups. Each group will be given four bottles and four butter knifes. By applying the concept of mutual and equal effort by all group members in any org they can perform well, they have to perform it.

Instructional Hand out

Place 3 bottles in such a way that butter knife can pass through each 2 bottles horizontally.

Now put 3 butter knives on top of bottles in such away that at least 1 end of each knife touches the top of the bottle as well as the knives touch each other then place the 4th  bottle on the knives.

The groups will be provided with five minutes to perform the task. In not completed. Then it will be preformed by the trainer.

Example discussion:

(Could be performed as an activity)

About the game in which two member of any team will have to tie their foot and all other such participants have to do the same act. Now they have to race for a finishing point. In the example it would be discussed that which team wins the race. This point will be raised by questioning the trainees. As an answer to the question they will come to the result that people who perform as team player in any task or in any job they can produce effective result.

Habit 7: Sharpen The SAW

The last habit of the 7 Habits is – Sharpen the Saw. In this habit, you are the saw; and to Sharpen Sharpen The SAWthe Saw is to become better, keener and more effective. Highly Effective People always take time to Sharpen the Saw. What is meant by Sharpening the Saw is to regularly engage in the exercise of the three dimensions which make up the human condition: body, mind and spirit. Covey also adds a fourth dimension – the inter-personal.

Spiritual Exercise

Let us begin by considering Spiritual Exercise – this is the area which is perhaps the most misunderstood. I believe that, in the west, we have become spiritually blind. The progress of our science, education and technology has led us to construct a view of the world and the universe that excludes the agency of God.

Freud famously said that it was man that made God ‘in the image of his father’. It is, of course, a very clever statement and not one I wish to here challenge – whether this statement or the reverse is true is for you to decide. However, as the west has, by and large, abandoned faith in the creator God, so it has simultaneously abandoned the idea that life has any meaning or purpose; and it is purpose and direction in life that this habit refers to as Spiritual Exercise. Of course, if you are a religious person, then there will be a tie-up here with your personal faith; however, if you are not religious, don’t also abandon the idea that life holds a special purpose for you.

To exercise spiritually, I recommend that you consider engaging in some form of meditation. Meditation involves regularly sitting in a relaxed position and thinking about nothing for a period of about 10 or 15 minutes. Why this practice should bring about any material benefits is an interesting question. You might consider that you relax your mind quite enough when you sleep, but it turns out that we don’t really relax our minds when we sleep. The brain is active during sleep – during REM sleep, the brain appears to be processing information. Though it is not yet known exactly what it is doing, the brain is certainly not passive and so the mind is not relaxed during sleep. Meditation is the practice of disciplining the mind, It is difficult to do at first, but if you stick with it, positive health benefits will follow.

Stephen Covey means when he talks about spiritual exercise – the regular, review and preview of the things that are most important to you in life. These are the first things that you must define in habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind.

Physical Exercise

Regular aerobic, physical exercise is essential for health, energy and a feeling of well-being. Naturally, you should always consult your doctor or physician before you embark upon any course of physical exercise; and it should be obvious that such professional advice as may be given, should always be taken into account.

To practice this part of Habit 7 requires that you commit to at least three sessions of at least twenty minutes per week. If you are not already engaged in this sort of exercise, you will find that after a period of about six weeks, you will feel much better, much healthier and indeed your body will become more efficient at processing oxygen – which is the key to energy.

Mental Exercise

Ask yourself these questions. What am I doing to sharpen my mind? Am I engaged in a program of education or learning of some kind? What am I doing to improve my professional knowledge? How you should go about this part of the habit is, of course, for you to decide, but you should ensure that you are reading regularly. What should you read? Naturally you want to put in the good stuff – so it’s not a case of reading for its own sake; it is reading carefully selected material which allows you to broaden and deepen your understanding. You will naturally be paying particular attention to the important areas you defined in habit 2, but you should also consider reading all the great works of literature and also ancient wisdom literature which includes books like The Psalms and Proverbs.


This part is not really a discipline, as are the other three parts, it is really a commitment; and for me, I make the commitment during the spiritual part of the habit, that is, during a meditation. It is simply to commit to approaching inter-personal relationships by making use of habits 4, 5 and 6. Even if people approach me making use of language, actions, or behavior which I personally believe to be inappropriate, my commitment is to not react, but to use my proactive capacity to engage in the exercise of habits 4, 5 and 6 which I believe will lead to the best possible outcome in such circumstances.


Theme: Renew yourself regularly

(Prepare for your future needs)

      • Physical
      • Mental
      • Interpersonal

The main concept that would be delivered to the trainees through this seventh habit would be:

  • You must have a balanced work and family life
  • You must have a habit to exercise physically

The above two points will lead you to a better interpersonal relationship


An act will be performed by the trainer with the help of other trainer. In this act life of a person that is affected by the workload and imbalance in his family and work life. Eventually the man will end up in his family crises.

Two Hours Sample Training Session Plan

Sr Date Session Time Time per Topic Topic Description Logistics Trainer Name
1 16-07-2010 55 minutes or 1 hour consumed (Passed) 5 minutes Introduction of Trainers Brief intro about trainers (Names) No All Trainers
2 16-07-2011 7 to 10 minutes Ice breaking Activity To introduce all the traineees, and to make them to interact with each other, so can feel comfortable during the whole session Small sheets of paper, printed with  questions one one sheet and answer on the other MR. A
3 16-07-2012 5 minutes Briefing Brief explanation of the whole topic and sub-topics No MR. A
4 16-07-2013 5 to 7 minutes Pro Active Start with story, then complete explanation No MR. A
5 16-07-2014 7 to 9 minutes Pro Active Activity. To push the wall,  different groups to do the same, then explanation for the activity Instructional hand out MR. A
6 16-07-2015 2 minutes Begin with end in mind Explanation No MR. B
7 16-07-2015 3 to 4 minutes Begin with end in mind Story telling No MR. B
8 16-07-2016 5 to 7 minutes Begin with end in mind Activity. A word in Chinese language will be given to each member, and will be asked about its meaning. Then the purpose will be explained for the activity Printed word in chinese language MR. B
9 16-07-2017 2 to 4 minutes Begin with end in mind Example explained in detail No MR. B
10 16-07-2018 5 to 6 minutes Put first thing First Complete explanation with examples and cases No MR. B
11 16-07-2019 7 to 9 minutes Put first thing First Activity. Take out SIM from mobile phone, knot a tie. Then asking the members why they done in such way, not the other way round mobile phone, tie MR. B
12 16-07-2020 4 to 5 minutes Put first thing First Explained with the help of a quotation an more examples No MR. B
13 16-07-2021 BREAK 9 to 13 minutes BREAK BREAK Refreshment BREAK
14 16-07-2022 1 hour 2 to 4 minutes Think WIN-WIN Explanation by relating quotations and examples No MR. C
15 16-07-2023 6 to 8 minutes Think WIN-WIN Activity. Asking all the trainees to write name place thing starting from same letter, but in one group no letter should be repeated and explaining the conditions for the group to be decide as winner Papers and Pencils MR. C
16 16-07-2024 4 to 6 minutes Think WIN-WIN Explanation with the help of examples and in the light of quotations No MR. C
17 16-07-2025 7 to 9 minutes Seek first understand then to be understood Starting with a story (Concept 1) explanation of the story and the concept in detail No MR. C
18 16-07-2026 10 to 12 minutes Seek first understand then to be understood Act play (concept 2) by the trainers themselves, explanation of the whole situation in the play, and deriving the result from the play by asking  views from the trainees. No MR. C
19 16-07-2027 3 to 5 minutes Seek first understand then to be understood explaining the both concepts No MR. C
20 16-07-2028 2 to 3 minutes Synergy explanation of the concept and theory No MR. D
21 16-07-2029 7 to 9 minutes                     (max 14 minutes) Synergy Activity. Four bottles and four butter knives activity. Frist explanation of the activity, then the purpose of the activity. four butter knives and four bottles for each group/ performing group. MR. D
22 16-07-2030 5 to 7 minutes Synergy Activity, to tie-up to trainees’ foots and  by making 2 or 3 groups as a team, race them against the clock, from one wall of the room to the other small piece of rope for each group MR. D
23 16-07-2031 2 minutes Synergy explanation of the two activities results from the topic point of view No MR. D
24 16-07-2032 5 to 7 minutes Sharpen the SAW Act play on the topic issue by the trainers themselves no MR. D
25 16-07-2033 2 (& 1/4) minutes Sharpen the SAW Video shown, to elaborate problems and their solutions Multimedia and speakers MR. D
26 16-07-2034 10 minutes  All 7 habits Debriefing the whole topic Training Hand Out MR. D
27 16-07-2035 10 minutes  All 7 habits Question and Answers Feedback form MR. D


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